Recent Water Damage Posts

Summer Water Damage: Your #1 Guide to Effective Prevention

6/24/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage inside of a Fulton County home caused by a summer storm. The professionals at SERVPRO are ready to help combat any water disasters this summer!

Expert insights and practical steps to safeguard your property from water-related damage during the warmer months.

Summer brings warmer weather and presents unique challenges for property owners. Summer water damage is a significant threat because it can considerably harm residential and commercial properties. 

This blog post will explore the common causes of summer water damage, offer practical prevention tips, and showcase how SERVPRO® expertise can be invaluable in restoring properties affected by this seasonal menace.

What are the common causes of summer water damage?

Summer water damage originates from conditions unique to the season. The primary factors include:

  • Heavy Rainfall and Storms: Intense summer storms can lead to flash flooding, roof leaks, and water intrusion.
  • Air Conditioning Malfunctions: Inefficient or broken air conditioning units can cause water leaks and condensation issues.
  • Clogged Gutters: Summer storms can fill gutters with debris, causing water to overflow and damage the property’s foundation.
  • Sprinkler System Issues: Faulty or poorly maintained sprinkler systems can lead to water pooling and seepage into the building.

How can summer storms lead to property damage?

The impact of summer storms on a property can be severe and swift. Heavy rains and strong winds can cause:

  • Roof Damage: Storms can dislodge shingles, create leaks, and even cause structural damage to the roof.
  • Flooding: Excessive rainfall can lead to flash floods, overwhelming drainage systems, and water entering basements and lower levels.
  • Foundation Issues: Prolonged exposure to water can weaken the property’s foundation, leading to cracks and instability.
  • Water Intrusion: Broken windows, damaged doors, and roof leaks can allow water to enter the building, damaging walls, floors, and personal belongings.

Tips to prevent summer water damage

Preventing summer water damage is achievable with the proper measures. Here’s a list of practical steps to safeguard your property:

 Maintain Your Roof

Regularly inspect your roof for damaged or missing shingles. Ensure that flashing is secure around vents, chimneys, and skylights to prevent leaks.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

To ensure proper water drainage, keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris. Consider installing gutter guards to prevent clogs.

Service Your Air Conditioning Unit

Have your air conditioning unit inspected and serviced regularly. Ensure the condensate drain line is clear to prevent water buildup and leaks.

Check Sprinkler Systems

Inspect your sprinkler system for leaks and ensure it is functioning correctly. Adjust the settings to avoid over-watering, which can lead to water pooling around the foundation.

Install a Sump Pump

If your property is prone to flooding, consider installing a sump pump in the basement. Ensure it is maintained and functioning correctly to remove excess water.

Seal Cracks and Openings

Seal any cracks in your property’s foundation, walls, and windows to prevent water from entering. Use waterproof sealant for added protection.

Elevate and Protect Belongings

Store valuable items and electronics off the ground, especially in basements and lower levels. Use waterproof containers to protect important documents and belongings.

Improve Drainage

Ensure that the landscape around your property slopes away from the building. Install French drains or extend downspouts to direct water away from the foundation.

Monitor Weather Forecasts

Stay informed about weather conditions and take proactive measures during heavy rainfall or storm warnings. Consider using smart home technology for real-time updates and alerts.

Conduct Regular Inspections

Have a professional inspect your property regularly, focusing on areas vulnerable to water damage. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

A recent emergency water damage call

Last month, in Atlanta, Georgia, we at SERVPRO faced a challenging but all-too-common summer scenario. A commercial property integral to the local business community encountered a severe emergency: extensive water damage from a summer storm that led to roof leaks and flooding. This situation is a stark reminder of the havoc summer conditions can wreak on properties, particularly when heavy rains are involved.

The moment we received the distress call, our SERVPRO team sprang into action. Understanding the urgency and potential for escalating damage, we prioritized a rapid response. Our team, equipped with extensive training and specialized equipment, was on-site in record time. Upon arrival, we conducted a detailed assessment of the damage—the storm had caused significant water intrusion, impacting not just the structural integrity of the building but also the critical operational areas of the business.

We clearly understood the situation and formulated a strategic action plan. The plan included:

  • Immediate Water Extraction: We quickly addressed the standing water throughout the property using our advanced water extraction technology. This step was crucial in halting the spread of water and minimizing secondary damage.
  • Drying and Dehumidification: Post-extraction, our focus shifted to comprehensive drying and dehumidification. We deployed cutting-edge drying equipment and dehumidifiers, eradicating even the most concealed moisture. This phase is critical in mitigating the risk of mold and mildew, which can pose hazards and further damage the property.
  • Preventing Long-Term Damage: Our timely and professional approach went beyond immediate water removal. We meticulously monitored moisture levels and air quality to ensure the property was visually restored and secure from potential long-term issues like mold growth and structural weakness.

This incident in Atlanta, Georgia, exemplifies the resilience and efficiency of our SERVPRO team. Faced with a familiar yet potentially devastating summer water damage scenario, our swift action and professional expertise salvaged the property and safeguarded it against future vulnerabilities. This case is a testament to our commitment to providing rapid, reliable, and comprehensive water damage restoration services, especially during the challenging summer months.

What should you do when you experience summer water damage?

Immediate action is crucial in the event of summer water damage. The first step is to stop the source of the water if possible. Then, quickly contacting a professional water restoration team is essential for mitigating the damage. While waiting for professional help, remove any wet items and attempt to dry the affected area. Extensive water damage requires professional equipment and expertise for thorough and safe restoration.

Wrapping up

SERVPRO’s reputation in water damage restoration is built on swift response, advanced technology, and skilled professionals. We understand the nuances of water damage restoration, particularly in challenging summer conditions. Our team is trained to handle complex scenarios, ensuring efficient and effective restoration. With SERVPRO, property owners receive comprehensive restoration services tailored to their specific needs.

Choosing SERVPRO for summer water damage restoration offers more than just repair services; it provides partnership in property protection. Our quick response, cutting-edge techniques, and customer-centric approach make us a trusted ally in navigating the challenges of summer water damage. 

As we have seen, summer water damage can strike unexpectedly. Still, with preparation and the support of SERVPRO professionals, your property can emerge unscathed from the most challenging summer trials. By following these tips and relying on professional expertise, you can effectively manage and prevent summer water damage, ensuring your property remains safe and secure during the warmer months. 

Whether dealing with minor leaks or major flooding, SERVPRO is here to help with comprehensive water damage restoration and prevention services.

Sewage Backup Prevention: 5 Outstanding Strategies

1/29/2024 (Permalink)

Sewage backup damage inside of a Fulton County home. SERVPRO professionals can be at your property at a moment's notice to combat sewage damage!

Effective sewage backup prevention helps maintain a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment.

In property management, few incidents can be as distressing and damaging as a sewage backup. For those who don't know, a sewage backup occurs when wastewater cannot flow away from your property, leading to a reverse flow resulting in sewage spilling out from toilets, drains, and sinks. 

The causes are varied, ranging from clogged sewer lines and septic tank issues to municipal sewer system backups. The consequences are not just unpleasant odors and mess; they pose serious risks due to the contaminants in sewage, including bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

Understanding the nuances of sewage backup prevention is crucial for property owners and managers. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the best practices for sewage backup prevention and how SERVPRO®, a sewage restoration and cleanup leader, stands as your ally in these challenging situations.

Why is sewage backup prevention important?

Sewage backup prevention is more than just about avoiding a messy inconvenience; it's a critical step in safeguarding your property from extensive, costly damage. More importantly, it's about protecting the health and well-being of occupants. 

Sewage backup prevention tips

  1. Regular maintenance and inspections: Regularly inspect and maintain your sewer lines and septic systems, including professional inspections and cleaning, to identify and rectify potential problems before they escalate.
  2. Dispose of waste properly: Be mindful of what you flush down your toilets and pour down your drains. Avoid disposing of grease, oils, and non-biodegradable items in your drains, as they can cause blockages.
  3. Install a sewage backup prevention valve: This valve allows sewage to go out but prevents it from returning. Installing one can be a critical step in sewage backup prevention.
  4. Modify the plumbing system: To prevent backflows, consider upgrading your system with fixtures, such as standpipes or overhead sewers.
  5. Landscaping and outdoor considerations: Ensure your landscaping does not interfere with your sewage system. Tree roots can invade and block sewer lines, so choose plants wisely and monitor their growth.

How SERVPRO recently restored a sewage-damaged property in Alpharetta, Georgia

In a recent incident, a commercial property in Alpharetta, Georgia, faced a severe sewage backup. The situation was dire, with extensive wastewater flooding the premises, posing risks and threatening significant property damage. 

Upon receiving the distress call, our SERVPRO of North Fulton team promptly arrived on-site, equipped with advanced tools and protective gear. We initiated an emergency response plan, including sewage removal, extensive cleaning, and sanitization.

 Our experts meticulously ensured that every inch of the affected area was restored to its pre-damage condition. We also identified and addressed the root cause of the backup, providing long-term solutions to prevent future occurrences. The property was cleaned and restored to a state better than its original condition, showcasing our commitment to excellence and thoroughness.

Why choose SERVPRO for sewage backup cleanup?

Choosing SERVPRO for sewage backup cleanup means opting for a team that combines expertise, speed, and compassion. Our professionals are trained in the latest restoration techniques and equipped with advanced tools to efficiently handle any scale of sewage backup. We understand the urgency and sensitivity of these situations and respond promptly to mitigate damage and reduce risks.

  • Expertise and experience: SERVPRO teams are highly trained in dealing with all aspects of sewage backup—from initial cleanup to final restoration. Our experience handling numerous such incidents equips us with the knowledge to tackle complex challenges effectively.
  • Advanced equipment: We use state-of-the-art equipment for sewage removal, drying, dehumidifying, and sanitizing. Our equipment ensures that every affected area is thoroughly cleaned, reducing the risk of lingering bacteria or mold.
  • Comprehensive approach: Our services go beyond mere cleanup. We assess the cause of the backup, address it, and provide solutions to prevent future occurrences. This holistic approach saves you time and money in the long run.
  • Health and safety priority: We prioritize the health and safety of our customers and their properties. Our cleanup processes are designed to ensure that all contaminants are removed, leaving the environment safe for occupants.
  • 24/7 availability: Sewage backups can happen anytime, and our teams are ready to respond 24/7. This immediate response is crucial in preventing further damage and starting restoration as soon as possible.

Final thoughts

Sewage backup prevention is an essential aspect of property maintenance, crucial for protecting your property and ensuring the health and safety of its occupants. By understanding what causes sewage backups, implementing preventive measures, and knowing who to call when a problem arises, you can significantly reduce the risk and impact of these incidents. 

SERVPRO's expertise in handling sewage backups and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction make us a trusted partner in these challenging situations. Remember, preventing sewage backups is not just about avoiding inconvenience but safeguarding your property and health. Trust SERVPRO to be there for you, providing professional, efficient, and compassionate service whenever needed.

Home Defender: 7 Steps to Battle a Foundation Crack Problem

8/28/2023 (Permalink)

A foundation crack causing water damage inside of a Alpharetta home. When a foundation crack appears, water damage can follow.

A single foundation crack can cause severe damage.

Water damage can wreak havoc on a property, leading to serious structural issues and extensive repairs if not addressed promptly. One common culprit of water infiltration is the notorious foundation crack. Foundation cracks may appear harmless at first glance but can be the gateway to significant property damage, putting your investment and safety at risk. 

In this blog post, we will explore the potential dangers of foundation cracks, share a real-life scenario where SERVPRO® came to the rescue after a home suffered from water damage due to a foundation crack, and detail the crucial steps our team followed during the water restoration process. 

Whether a homeowner or a property manager, you must be well-informed about foundation cracks. Let us tell you why choosing SERVPRO for water restoration services is the wisest decision you can make to safeguard your property.

What is a foundation crack? 

Foundation cracks are fissures or openings in the concrete or masonry walls and floors supporting a building. These cracks can occur due to various reasons, such as settling of the building, shifting soil, excessive moisture, or construction issues. While some cracks may seem minor, they have the potential to let water seep into your home, leading to substantial water damage if left untreated.

Tips to avoid a foundation crack

Prevention is the first defense against foundation cracks and subsequent water damage. Here are some vital tips to protect your property from the devastating effects of foundation cracks:

  • Maintain proper drainage: ensure your property has adequate drainage systems to direct rainwater away from the foundation.
  • Regular inspections: inspect your property's foundation to identify any potential cracks or weaknesses before they escalate.
  • Control moisture levels: monitor the humidity levels in your home and address any water leaks or condensation issues promptly.
  • Professional landscaping: opt for professional landscaping services to avoid planting trees and shrubs too close to the foundation, which may cause soil shifting and cracking.

Steps to follow after discovering a foundation crack

Taking immediate action is crucial if you discover a foundation crack in your property. Here are the steps you should follow when encountering a foundation crack:

  • Document the crack: take photographs and detailed notes of the crack's size, location, and any other relevant details to provide accurate information to restoration professionals.
  • Contact SERVPRO: contact SERVPRO's water restoration experts to schedule an assessment of the damage and initiate the necessary repair process.
  • Secure the area: cordon off the affected area for safety reasons to prevent accidents or further damage.

A recent foundation crack job 

Earlier this year, a homeowner in a suburban neighborhood discovered a subtle but growing foundation crack in their basement wall. At first, they dismissed it as a minor issue, but after a heavy rainstorm, they noticed water seeping through the crack, causing considerable damage to their belongings and flooring. In a panic, they immediately contacted SERVPRO for their specialized water restoration services.

Upon receiving the call, SERVPRO's highly-trained team of experts promptly arrived at the scene. They began thoroughly assessing the foundation crack and the extent of the water damage. Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment—including moisture detectors and infrared cameras—they identified the full scope of the problem, even tracing hidden moisture pockets that could lead to future complications.

Swift and precise water restoration process

With the complete assessment, the SERVPRO team swiftly implemented their water restoration plan. Their proven process involved the following crucial steps:

  • Water extraction: the team immediately started removing standing water using powerful pumps and advanced extraction tools.
  • Drying and dehumidification: high-capacity dehumidifiers were strategically placed to remove moisture from the affected areas, preventing further damage.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing: SERVPRO's experts meticulously cleaned and sanitized the affected areas, ensuring no contaminants or mold growth would threaten the home's inhabitants.
  • Repairs and restoration: Once the site was dry and sanitized, the team repaired the foundation crack and restored the damaged walls and flooring to its preloss condition.

Why choose SERVPRO for water restoration services? 

The above example shows SERVPRO's exceptional expertise handling foundation crack-related water damage. But what sets SERVPRO apart from the competition? Here are some compelling reasons why customers should entrust their property to SERVPRO for water restoration services:

  • Expertise and experience: SERVPRO's team comprises certified professionals with years of experience handling various water damage situations, including foundation cracks.
  • Cutting-edge technology: SERVPRO uses advanced equipment and techniques to ensure a thorough and efficient restoration process.
  • Rapid response: with 24/7 emergency services, SERVPRO is always ready to respond swiftly to water-related crises, preventing further damage.
  • Comprehensive solutions: From water extraction and drying to repairs and restoration, SERVPRO offers a full-service package to address all aspects of water damage.
  • Insurance liaison: SERVPRO works closely with insurance companies to facilitate the claims process and minimize stress for the property owner.

Wrapping up 

Foundation cracks may seem innocent, but they can lead to catastrophic water damage if left unchecked. As the real-life scenario showcased, SERVPRO's water restoration services are the ultimate defense against any water damage caused by foundation cracks. By promptly addressing foundation crack issues and choosing SERVPRO for their exceptional expertise and efficient restoration process, property owners can protect their investments, preserve their homes, and enjoy peace of mind knowing they have a reliable ally in the battle against water damage. Don't wait until it's too late—safeguard your property with SERVPRO today!

Window Leak Damage: 5 Helpful Prevention Tips for Your Home

3/27/2023 (Permalink)

A window leak causing water damage in an Alpharetta property The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 to help combat window leaks!

Window leaks can be a significant source of water damage in residential and commercial properties.

Because window leaks can be a significant source of water damage, the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have received many calls after water has seeped through window frames and caused rot, mold, and structural weakness.

When a window leak occurs, effectively addressing the water damage and taking steps to prevent them from happening in the future is essential. This article will discuss how window leaks occur and provide valuable tips for protecting your property against window leak damage.

How does window leak damage occur?

Window leak damage is often caused by cracks or gaps around window frames and window sills; these allow water to seep in and cause damage. These cracks or holes can occur due to aging window frames, improper installation of windows, and poor maintenance. 

Gaps around window frames are common in older homes where window frames have experienced a lot of wear and tear. Age can also cause window frames to warp, creating gaps that allow water to get through and cause damage.

Other common causes of window leak damage are improper window installation and poor window maintenance. Poor window installation techniques often prevent window frames from being correctly sealed, allowing water to seep around the window frame's edges. Poor window maintenance can also cause window leaks, as window frames that are not sealed and caulked regularly will allow water to accumulate in window frames and eventually cause damage.

Early signs of a window leak

When you suspect a window leak, look for early signs to prevent further damage. Signs of window leaks include:

  • Water spots or stains on window frames, walls, or ceilings.
  • Mold or mildew growth near window frames.
  • Warped window frames or window sills.

SERVPRO window leak prevention tips

It is essential to take steps to prevent window leaks from occurring in the first place. Here are a few window leak prevention tips that you can use to protect your property from window damage:

  1. Regularly inspect window frames and window sills for signs of cracking, warping, or other damage.
  2. Seal window frames and sills with window caulking regularly to prevent water from seeping around the edges of window frames.
  3. Clean window frames and window sills regularly to avoid mold and mildew growth.
  4. Professionally inspect window frames yearly to ensure they are properly sealed and caulked.
  5. Replace window frames that are worn or damaged to prevent window leaks from occurring.

By taking the time to inspect window frames and window sills regularly, you can keep your property safe from window leak damage. If you start to notice signs of a window leak, contact a professional water damage restoration company to remedy the situation and help you prevent window leak damage from occurring again.

SERVPRO window leak mitigation services

SERVPRO window leak mitigation services can help restore water damage caused by window leaks. Our certified technicians have the experience and expertise needed to identify and address window leak damage quickly and effectively.

When window leaks cause water damage, SERVPRO can assess the situation and create a customized action plan to address the window leak. Our window leak mitigation services include window frame repair, window frame replacement, window sealant and caulking application, water extraction, and drying services, mold remediation, structural repairs, and more.

By taking advantage of SERVPRO window leak mitigation services, you can rest assured that your property is in expert hands. We will work quickly and efficiently to restore window leak damage so you can return your property to its preloss condition.

We hope this article has helped you understand window leaks and how they can cause water damage in homes and other properties. If you are experiencing window leak damage or want to take steps to prevent window leaks from occurring, contact us today for help!

Pipe Burst: 5 Informative Reasons Why Pipes Stop Working

10/24/2022 (Permalink)

Fixed pipes in a Fulton County commercial property The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24//7 when a pipe bursts in your property!

A single burst pipe can lead to thousands of dollars in damages.

Most people don't think about their plumbing until there is a problem. But, if you take the time to understand your pipes and what can cause them to burst, you’ll be taking steps to prevent costly and messy repairs.

Water damage is one of the most common and costly problems a homeowner can face. And a pipe burst can cause extensive damage in a short time by flooding your home.

Several factors can cause a pipe to burst, but some are more common than others. Here are the five most common reasons for a pipe burst:

  1. Pipe corrosion
  2. Frozen pipes
  3. Poorly insulated pipes
  4. High water pressure
  5. Tree roots

After going over these five causes in further detail, this blog post will outline what to do when you experience a pipe burst and discuss the importance of water damage restoration. Then, you will see how SERVPRO of North Fulton can get your property back "Like it never even happened."

What is a pipe burst?

A pipe burst is when water pressure builds up in a pipe to the point that it ruptures. Let's go over the five most common reasons for a pipe burst:

1) Pipe corrosion

One of the most common causes of a pipe burst is corrosion. Over time, the pipes in your home or business can corrode and weaken; factors like age and hard water hasten this process. Eventually, the pipe will become so weak that it bursts.

2) Frozen pipes

Another common cause of a pipe burst is frozen pipes. When water freezes, it expands. This expansion can cause immense pressure in your pipes and rupture them. Frozen pipes are most common in the winter but can happen anytime the temperature gets low enough.

3) Poorly insulated pipes

Poorly insulated pipes are another leading cause of pipe bursts. When pipes are not properly insulated, they are more susceptible to freezing. Freezing can lead to the problems discussed in the previous section. In addition, poorly insulated pipes can also lead to excessive condensation, leading to mold and mildew, which can weaken the pipes and contribute to the risk of a break.

4) High water pressure

High water pressure is another common cause of a pipe burst. When water pressure is too high, it strains your pipes. Over time, this strain can cause the water lines to weaken and eventually burst.

5) Tree roots

One final common cause of a pipe burst is tree roots. Tree roots can grow into your pipes and break them, requiring extensive repair.

What to do when you experience a pipe burst?

No matter why you’re dealing with a burst pipe, you should first turn off the water. This step will help prevent further damage by limiting the addition of still more water after the initial leak. Once the water is off, assess the damage to see the extent of the issue. While doing this, take pictures and videos for your insurance company. This evidence will prove invaluable during the claims process.

After assessing the damage, call a water damage restoration company. The right water restoration company will be able to quickly and efficiently put together an insurance estimate and repair the issues causing problems in your home. Trusting a professional offers peace of mind and a quick turnaround, essential factors when recovering from property disasters.

Recover from a pipe burst with SERVPRO of North Fulton

Our professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have undergone extensive water damage training by the IICRC. As a result, we can work quickly and efficiently to get your property back to how it was before the pipe burst.

We understand that a pipe burst can be a stressful experience. Our goal is to make the process as stress-free as possible for you. We know the insurance process, so you can rest assured that we will work with your insurance company and keep you updated throughout the restoration process.

Finally, we have a 24/7 emergency service line, so don't hesitate to contact us if you experience a pipe burst or any other water damage emergency. We're always here to help!

Wet Carpeting: 5 Ways to Detect Carpet Water Damage

9/6/2022 (Permalink)

Wet carpeting being dried by SERVPRO of North Fulton professionals SERVPRO of North Fulton has the tools and resources to dry out your wet carpeting!

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton can help you restore your wet carpeting.

When a property suffers from water damage, there will be tell-tale signs that something is wrong, even if the affected areas are not immediately apparent. Water damage can cause several problems, including wet carpeting. When a property suffers from wet carpeting, it is vital to know the common causes and identify the signs so that the property owner can take action as soon as possible.

Unlike other types of water damaged floors, wet carpeting is not always immediately apparent and is not always salvageable. For example, the only restorable carpeting occurs when it undergoes clean water damage, and no mold growth is present. 

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton understand that water damage can happen at any time, and that is why we have put together the following blog post. We want to ensure that you save your wet carpeting before your carpet has been saturated beyond repair. This blog post will cover essential details regarding wet carpeting and the five most common ways you can detect wet carpeting.

The common causes of wet carpeting

Wet carpeting may occur for several reasons. But no matter the cause, it is essential to call water damage professionals as soon as possible to avoid mold damage. Mold will typically start to grow within 24-48 hours in wet conditions, so time is of the essence.

Some of the common causes of wet carpeting include:

  • Plumbing leaks
  • Broken pipes
  • Overflowing tubs or sinks
  • Leaking roofs
  • Appliance leaks

Detecting wet carpeting

Now that you know the common causes of wet carpeting, you can start to look for any signs of wetness in your carpet. If you suspect that your carpet may be wet, here are five ways to help you confirm your suspicions.

1) Check for water stains

One of the most apparent signs of wet carpeting is water stains. If you notice any water stains on your carpet, the carpet has likely been wet for some time, and the water has had a chance to seep in and cause damage.

2) Musty odors

Another tell-tale sign of wet carpeting is a musty smell. If you notice a damp or musty odor in your home, wet carpeting is likely the culprit.

3) Look for warping or buckling

Wet carpeting will often cause the flooring to warp or buckle. If you notice any changes in the shape of your carpet, it has likely been affected by water damage.

4) Check for wet padding

If you suspect that your carpet may be wet, it is essential to check the padding underneath. If the padding is wet, it is likely that the carpet has been wet for some time and requires immediate attention.

5) Feel for wetness

Another way to determine if your carpet is wet is to feel for wetness. If the carpet feels wet to the touch, it is likely that it is wet and needs to be dried as soon as possible.

Steps to take after finding wet carpeting

Addressing wet carpeting as soon as possible is crucial to preventing further damage. Several consequences can result from not addressing wet carpeting. If wet carpeting is left untreated, it can lead to:

  • Mold growth
  • Bacterial growth
  • Structural damage

Here is a step-by-step guide on what to do if you find wet carpeting in your home:

Step 1. Identify the source of the water

As we mentioned, wet carpeting can be caused by several different things. Therefore, the first step is to identify the water source so that you can address the problem and prevent it from happening again.

Step 2. Call water damage professionals

If you cannot identify the water's source, it is essential to call a water damage company. They will be able to help you identify the source of the water and determine the best course of action.

Step 3. Remove wet items from the affected area

Once you have identified the water source, removing any wet items from the affected area is essential. For example, removing the wet padding underneath the carpet will be a good idea.

Step 4. Dry the affected area

After removing all wet items from the affected area, it is essential to dry the area as soon as possible. Water damage restoration professionals will use various techniques to dry the area and prevent further damage.

Step 5. Install the new padding and dry carpeting

After the affected area has been dried, it is essential to install new padding and dry carpeting. Again, water damage restoration professionals will be able to help you with this process.

Let SERVPRO of North Fulton restore your wet carpeting.

When your property has wet carpeting, it is essential to address the problem as soon as possible. As you have learned today, the longer you wait, the more damage the water will cause. If you need help addressing wet carpeting in your home, SERVPRO of North Fulton is here to help.

SERVPRO of North Fulton is a professional water damage restoration company dedicated to helping our customers restore their homes after water damage. We have the knowledge and experience to quickly and efficiently address wet carpeting.

We understand that wet carpeting can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, which is why we are here to help. Please get in touch with us today for more information or to schedule an estimate.

Crawlspace Water Damage: 5 Essential Prevention Tips

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

A crawlspace issues restored by the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton The professionals at SERVPRO are available to help you prevent and restore crawlspace water damage!

Let the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton help you combat crawlspace water damage.

Water damage in a crawlspace can cause severe problems for a property owner. Not only can the water cause extensive damage to the property, but it can also lead to mold growth and other structural issues. 

As experts in the water damage restoration field, we understand the crawlspace is a difficult place to access and often goes unnoticed until the problem has worsened. SERVPRO of North Fulton has the experience, specialized equipment, and highly trained technicians to handle your crawlspace water damage emergency.

In the following blog post, we will go over five tips to prevent crawlspace water damage because a homeowner needs to take steps to prevent water damage and will need to take immediate action when it does occur.

What is crawlspace water damage, and why is it essential to prevent it?

Crawlspace water damage is water that has entered the crawlspace of the home and caused damage to the structure or contents. If you are not aware, the crawlspace is the area between the ground and first floor of a home, and it is typically used for storage or as a passage to utility lines.

Crawlspace water damage may be caused by the following:

  • Flooding
  • Leaking pipes
  • Overflowing gutters
  • Excessive rainfall

While factors outside of the home often cause crawlspace water damage, there are also many things that homeowners can do to prevent it. 

The five tips to prevent crawlspace water damage 

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton believe that taking preventative measures is the best way to avoid crawlspace water damage. 

Here are our top five tips:

1. Inspect your crawlspace regularly

Checking your crawlspace for water damage regularly is one of the best ways to prevent it. It would be best if you inspected your crawlspace every few months, looking for any signs of water damage, such as:

  • Water stains on walls or ceilings
  • Buckling floors
  • Mold or mildew growth
  • Leaks

2. Clean your gutters and downspouts regularly

Gutters and downspouts play a crucial role in preventing crawlspace water damage. When they are not cleaned regularly, leaves and other debris can clog them, causing water to overflow and seep into the crawlspace. 

3. Install a sump pump

A sump pump is a device installed in the crawlspace that pumps water out of the space to prevent flooding. Sump pumps are beneficial during heavy rains or when a property has a high water table. 

4. Encapsulate the crawl space

Encapsulating the crawlspace is a process of covering the walls and floor with a waterproof material, such as plastic sheeting. The plastic sheeting will help to prevent water from seeping into the crawlspace.

5. Seal any cracks or holes in the foundation

Even the smallest cracks or holes in the foundation can allow water to enter the crawlspace. These should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent crawlspace water damage.

How SERVPRO of North Fulton can help if crawlspace water damage occurs

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton are water damage restoration experts. We have the experience, specialized equipment, and highly trained IICRC technicians to handle your crawlspace water damage emergency. 

We understand that crawlspaces are challenging to access and often go unnoticed until the problem has worsened. That's why we have a team of certified technicians specially trained to clean and restore crawlspaces.

Crawlspace water damage can have serious consequences, including:

  • Extensive property damage
  • Mold growth
  • Structural problems

Therefore, if you think you may have crawlspace water damage, it is essential to take action immediately. The sooner the problem is addressed, the less damage there will be.

The professionals at SERVPRO of North are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help you with your crawlspace water damage emergency. Contact us today!

5 Actionable Tips To Mitigate A Water Heater Burst

5/31/2022 (Permalink)

A water heater burst being repaired The professionals at SERVPRO are ready to tackle any size disaster!

A water heater burst is one of the most common and costly problems homeowners face.

Like most people, you probably don't give much thought to your water heater until there's a problem. And that's the worst time to think about it! A water heater burst can cause gallons of water to flow throughout your home in a short period, damaging walls, floors, furniture, and anything else in its path.

An essential thing to remember is to act fast when you have a water heater burst. A small leak can quickly turn into extensive damage, damaging the structure of your home and belongings.

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have seen it all when it comes to water damage disasters, and we're here to help you through the process of restoring your home. We put together the following post to discuss some tips to mitigate the damage caused by a water heater burst.

What is a water heater, and how does it burst?

Water heaters are an essential part of any home. They provide hot water for showers, washing dishes, and laundry. But like all appliances, they occasionally malfunction and burst.

A water heater can burst for various reasons, but most often, it's due to a build-up of sediment in the tank. As the water in the tank is heated, the sediment settles to the bottom and can form a hard, crusty layer. Sediment can cause the water heater to overheat and eventually burst.

Another common reason for a water heater to burst is excessive pressure build-up. Pressure build-up may occur by a faulty pressure relief valve or a blocked gas vent. Whatever the reason, a water heater burst can cause a lot of damage to your home.

How to prevent a water heater burst

Now that you understand why water heaters burst let's discuss some tips to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Firstly, it's essential to have your water heater regularly serviced by a professional. A professional will remove any sediment built up in the tank and keep the appliance running smoothly.

You should also check the pressure relief valve regularly to ensure it's functioning correctly. This valve is responsible for releasing pressure from the tank to prevent it from bursting.

If you have a gas water heater, check the vent regularly to ensure it's clear and unobstructed. A blocked or restricted vent can cause excessive pressure build-up and lead to a burst tank.

Five tips to mitigate a water heater burst

The mitigation process for a water heater burst is similar to any other water damage event.

Tip 1: The first thing you should do is turn off the power to the appliance. If it's a gas water heater, turn off the gas valve as well.

Tip 2: The next thing is to stop the water flow by turning off the main water supply to your home. 

Tip 3: The third tip is to call a professional water damage restoration company like SERVPRO of North Fulton. You want to hire a team with adequate training, experience, and equipment to quickly and efficiently restore your home to its pre-water damage condition.

Tip 4: The fourth tip is to contact your insurance company and file a claim. Most homeowners' insurance policies cover water damage caused by a water heater burst.

Tip 5: The fifth tip is to remove any wet items from the area and begin the drying process. Your restoration contractor will perform the removal of wet items and use fans and dehumidifiers to dry the damaged property.

Final thoughts

We hope you found this post helpful. Water heater bursts are a nightmare for any homeowner, but following these tips can help minimize the damage and quickly get your home back to normal.

No matter the amount of water damage caused by a water heater burst, SERVPRO of North Fulton has the training and experience to restore your home quickly.

Our technicians are IICRC-certified and have extensive knowledge of the restoration process. We also use the latest equipment and techniques to get your home back to normal as soon as possible.

If you need assistance with a water damage restoration project, don't hesitate to contact us. We're always here to help!

6 Common Causes of Kitchen Appliance Leaks: What to Look For

2/8/2022 (Permalink)

A modernized kitchen in Atlanta The professionals at SERVPRO can handle any size water restoration job!

Kitchen appliance leaks are often caused by one of six factors.

If you're like most homeowners, your kitchen is the heart of your home. It's where you cook meals, eat breakfast and dinner, and entertain guests. So when one of your kitchen appliances starts to leak, it can cause a lot of disruption in your daily routine.

This blog post will look at the six most common causes of kitchen appliance leaks. We will also discuss which types of kitchen appliances are most likely to leak. When experiencing water damage in your kitchen, it is essential to determine the source of the leak and address it as soon as possible because leaks can cause extensive damage and be very costly to repair when not handled promptly.

So, if you are having problems with kitchen appliances leaking, read on for more information about what could be causing the issue.

What kitchen appliances are most likely to leak?

Refrigerators, dishwashers, and ice makers are the most likely to leak because these kitchen appliances tend to have more complex circuitry and hoses than other appliances in your home, leading to more leaks.

The six causes of kitchen appliance leaks

There are six common causes of kitchen appliance leaks:

  1. A clogged drain line
  2. A loose hose connection
  3. A damaged gasket or seal
  4. Corrosion or rust
  5. Frequent changes in temperature
  6. High water pressure

A clogged drain line

A clogged drain line is one of the most common causes of kitchen appliance leaks. If the drain line becomes clogged, water will back up and overflow. If you are experiencing a leaky kitchen appliance, it is essential to check the drain line for clogs and clear them as soon as possible.

A loose hose connection

A loose hose connection is another common cause of kitchen appliance leaks. If the hoses connecting your kitchen appliances are not correctly secured, they can quickly come loose, causing kitchen appliances to leak.

A damaged gasket or seal 

A gasket or seal can become loose and prevent the appliance from being watertight. If water starts leaking through this opening, you will need to replace the gasket or seal.

Corrosion or rust

Over time, kitchen appliances can corrode, creating holes and cracks in the metal. As this corrosion builds up, it will prevent kitchen appliances from functioning correctly and lead to leaks; a kitchen appliance that is corroded or rusting needs to be repaired or replaced immediately.

Frequent changes in temperature 

When kitchen appliances are exposed to both hot and cold temperatures regularly, it can cause the seal of your kitchen appliance to become brittle, causing a kitchen appliance to leak, especially if the temperature changes rapidly.

High water pressure

A kitchen appliance that has high water pressure can easily start leaking. Likewise, a kitchen appliance connected to a water line with high water pressure can cause the kitchen appliance to malfunction. If you are experiencing a kitchen appliance leak, it is essential to check the water pressure and adjust it as necessary.

Tips for preventing kitchen appliance leaks in your home

Kitchen appliances can be a major source of water damage in your home if they are not properly maintained.

Here are a few tips for preventing kitchen appliance leaks:

  • Regularly check kitchen appliances for leaks, and fix any issues as soon as possible.
  • Make sure kitchen appliances are properly installed and secured.
  • Keep kitchen appliances in a consistent environment to prevent them from leaking.
  • Check the water pressure coming from your kitchen faucet and adjust it as necessary.
  • Avoid using kitchen appliances with corroded or rusted metal parts.

Final thoughts

Kitchen appliances can be a significant source of water damage in your home if they are not properly maintained. This article outlined the six most common causes of kitchen appliance leaks and provided tips for preventing kitchen appliance leaks in your home. If you are experiencing kitchen appliance leaks, it is essential to diagnose the problem as soon as possible to take the necessary steps to repair or replace the kitchen appliance.

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton are always available to care for any water damage caused by a kitchen appliance leak. Upon arrival, we will begin by locating the source of the appliance leak, followed by extracting the water. We use specialized equipment to help expedite the water restoration process.

We are available 24/7, 365 days a year because we know that kitchen appliance leaks can occur at any time. Please contact us for emergency water damage services or for more information about kitchen appliance leaks.

3 Ways Water Damage Can Decrease Home Value

12/28/2021 (Permalink)

home water damage in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact the professionals at SERVPRO immediately after water damage strikes!

Water damage is the number one cause of home damages that affects many homeowners each year in Atlanta.

Water damage issues become more severe when a property owner decides to wait for restoration services. The more time you wait, the more damage that will occur to your home and possibly lower its value.

In the following blog post, we will discuss the three main problems that arise from water damage and how they can decrease the value of your property.

Does water damage decrease home value?

Yes, water damage can decrease the value of your home, but it will depend on the length of time it is allowed to accumulate and how much water damage is present. The longer a homeowner waits to deal with the water damage, the more damage will surface in their home.

How does water damage decrease home value?

When a property undergoes a water damage disaster, three things can cause a home to decrease in value:

  1. Structural issues
  2. Foundation damage
  3. Mold damage

Structural issues

Structural issues are the most obvious value decrease after water damage. Clear indications of structural issues are when the floor is not level, the floors sink in, the walls are leaning in or out, or when doors and windows do not operate correctly. The right team of professionals can fix structural issues, but the cost to fix them rises when neglected for too long.

Foundation damage

Water damage can also affect your foundation if it is not addressed immediately. Foundation damage typically occurs in homes with basements that have water damage. Foundation damage can include cracks or holes in your foundation, leaning walls, and bulging floors.

Mold damage 

Amongst IICRC certified professionals, it is a known fact that mold will begin to grow after48 hours of water damage. Therefore, you will want to take care of water damage quickly before mold starts to grow throughout the home's structure. Mold damage can decrease the value of a home by more than 50% if left untreated.

How do you know if water damage has affected the property value?

The best way to determine how much damage has been done is to contact a professional home inspector. A professional inspector will be able to look at the structure and offer their insight on how much it would cost to fix any issues, if necessary.

Are you thinking about buying a water-damaged property?

Buying a property with water damage may sound appealing due to the lower cost, but think again. If you purchase a property with water damage, you will likely have to fix this damage at some point and repair any resulting structural, foundation, and mold issues.

Before you decide to buy a property with a history of water damage, you should contact a local home inspector to inspect for signs of structural damages. Once the inspection is complete, you will receive a report to understand the extent of the damages in your home.

Final thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about how water damage can decrease the value of your home. In short, remember to always handle water damage situations as quickly as possible to avoid more severe damage. 

Here at SERVPRO, we care for the property of our customers as if they are our own. With the help of the IICRC, our professionals have been trained to evaluate your property and let you know if there is any mold growth or other structural issues that may be present.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us at any time. The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton are available 24/7, 365 for emergency services.

The 3 Causes For A Leaking Tub During A Shower

11/16/2021 (Permalink)

shower tub that had a leak Contact the water damage professionals at SERVPRO for fast services!

A leaking tub can cause many gallons of water to seep into the ceiling below.

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have seen it all when it comes to water damage disasters. For that reason, we want our customers to know how to navigate around this terrifying situation before it happens. Water damage is not only expensive to repair but also a disruptive and stressful experience. So whether you've dealt with a burst pipe or an overflowing tub, we want to help keep your home and family safe the next time water damage strikes.

Out of all the opportunities for water damage in Atlanta homes, perhaps the most common comes from the bathroom. The following blog post will explore three of the most common causes for leaks in shower tubs and let you know how your local water damage professionals can help. We hope this post will help save your home from water damage and keep it looking great for years to come.

How much damage can a shower tub cause?

Before we get started, we want you to know how much water can be leaked during a shower. The water flow from a shower faucet is about 2.5 gallons per minute, and if you take into consideration the average person takes about a 10-minute shower, then there will be 25 gallons of water escaping out of the tub from a single leak.

When a property has an extra 25 gallons of water running through it, you can bet that the water damage will be extensive. Therefore, at the first sign of a leaking tub, you will want to stop the water flow immediately and call water restoration professionals to begin the drying and extraction process.

What causes a shower tub to leak?

The first leading cause for leaking tubs comes from clogged drain pipes

A clog can be caused by soap, hair, and other particles accumulated in the drainpipe over time. Therefore, it is essential to clean your tub every once in a while to avoid future clogs!

The second reason is a leaky drain gasket.

Leaky drain gaskets are a common problem with shower tubs because the metal ring around the drain wears down over time, and water seeps through the sealant; this causes it to leak into the wall or ceiling of your home. To avoid water damage from a leaky drain gasket, you will want to check the drain gasket often and reseal it when necessary. 

The third reason is damaged faucets or spouts.

Broken faucets or spouts play a huge part in causing extensive water damage. A damaged faucet or spout can be from various issues such as heavy usage, corrosion, faulty valves, damaged seals. So, if you have a leaky spout or faucet, then it's safe to assume that is the cause of your leaking tub. To avoid water damage from a damaged faucet or spout, you will want to check the faucets and spouts often and reseal them when necessary.

Wrapping up

We hope you enjoyed learning about the three causes of leaking shower tubs. A leaking tub can cause extensive water damage to your property, which is why it's essential to be aware of any possible problems.

Also, remember never to let water damage sit because it can lead to mold growing throughout your property within 48-72 hours.

When water damage strikes, you need to contact water damage professionals as soon as possible. The water damage technicians at SERVPRO of North Fulton are highly trained and ready to tackle any water damage situation.

Once you see our green trucks arrive, you can guarantee that we will work quickly to remove the standing water, dry your home, identify the source of the leak, and repair the problem.

SERVPRO of North Fulton is available 24/7 for emergency services and will be there for you when disaster strikes!

Wet Insulation: The #1 Way To Recognize Wet Insulation

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

wet insulation inside an Atlanta homes ceiling Contact the professionals at SERVPRO when your home or business has been damaged by water!

There are early indications of wet insulation that every homeowner must know.

The water restoration professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton deal with hundreds of water damage calls a year. The severity of each call varies depending on the extent of water damage, location, and the category of water damage present.

There will be wet insulation that needs to be dried out or removed in almost every water damage situation. In the past, we have received some water damage calls where a homeowner did not realize that there was water damage to their home until they started to notice soggy drywall or water spots.

In the following blog post, you will learn what wet insulation is and how to catch the early signs of wet insulation using one of your five primary sense organs.

What is wet insulation?

Every home is insulated, commonly by a fiberglass insulation material. The insulation in a home is used to protect a home from outdoor conditions and stop heat and air conditioning from exiting a home.

Wet insulation is when the insulation becomes wet from either a plumbing issue or rainwater. When the insulation is moist, it will act as a sponge and hold the wetness until dried out by a professional water restoration company.

The number one sign of wet insulation

The number one indicator of wet insulation is going to be the smell of the damaged insulation. When insulation gets wet, it will give off a musty odor that is very intense. In the past, customers have compared the must odor of wet insulation to cat urine.

Another early sign that a home has wet insulation will be visible water damage on the ceilings or walls.

Why does wet insulation need to be mitigated quickly?

Wet insulation can be a major problem in your home. When wet insulation is not adequately dealt with, it will lead to more structural issues down the line.

The professionals at SERVPRO have seen wet insulation cause severe mold damage throughout the home or because mold grows quickly inside wet insulation. Therefore, it is essential to contact a professional water restoration company at the first sign of wet insulation. The right company will be able to quickly locate the cause of the wet insulation and will have adequate drying equipment to ensure all water is extracted.

How to prevent wet insulation

The number one way to prevent water damage is to do regular property maintenance. For example, a property owner will want to ensure that gutters are clean and draining properly so rainwater cannot get in contact with the insulation inside a home. 

Suppose a water damage issue has occurred on your property. In that case, it's essential to call an experienced restoration technician as soon as possible before more damage occurs or causes further discomforts such as mold growth or odors/pest infestations getting out of control.

Final thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about wet insulation and why it is essential to act quickly before further structural damages to your home occur. You must remember the early indicators of wet insulation. Your main sense organs are in place for a reason, and you can use these organs to catch early water damages.

If you have wet insulation or other water damage, contact us today for help! SERVPRO of North Fulton is a leading restoration company that services the greater Atlanta region. We are certified as an IICRC certified firm and have the experience to tackle any size water damage disaster. Please feel free to contact us at any day at any hour because we are available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Deck Flashing: Protecting Your Property From Water Damage

9/7/2021 (Permalink)

Properly installed deck flashing to avoid water damage Contact the professionals at SERVPRO when you have water damage in your home or business!

The proper installation of deck flashing will ensure the property is safe from interior water damage.

When installing a deck, you will want to ensure that the deck builders install the proper deck flashing to avoid wood rot and interior water damage. Unfortunately, the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have received their fair share of water damage calls from deck flashing being improperly installed.

The installation of a new deck should be only done by professionals who have experience installing any type and size deck. In addition, true deck-building professionals understand the importance of deck flashing and how it protects water from entering a home. 

The following blog post is ideal for anyone who does not know the cause of their basement water damage or someone thinking about installing a deck without professional knowledge. Keep reading on to learn more about the importance of a properly installed deck flashing and the repercussions from a deck that was not professionally installed.

Causes deck flashing water damage

New decks built in the summer months may not show signs of water damage because of the lack of rainfall in the warmer months. A property will be more susceptible to the water damage caused by improperly installed deck flashing during months with heavy rainfall or in the winter when it snows. Water will get into the wood and siding whenever there is excess water on a deck that is not flashed properly. When the water is trapped and not able to escape, three things will occur:

  1. Wood rot
  2. Siding mold
  3. Interior water damage

A recent water damage service call

April of this year was a wet month in Atlanta. With all the rainstorms that passed, the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton received many water damage calls. However, out of all the service calls we received, one call differed from the rest.

The call was from a homeowner who needed basement flood mitigation services after finding water damage on the ceiling and walls of their basement. When we arrived, we pulled out our moisture meters, inspected the walls and ceilings, and were surprised to see that water intrusion occurred the entire length of the basement wall.

We then went outside and started to inspect the siding and roof of the home. Everything was intact, and there wasn't siding or roof damage. We then started to inspect the home's deck and quickly found out that the deck flashing was not properly installed.

We asked the homeowner how old the deck was and who had installed it. The homeowner let us know that it had been installed about a month ago by themselves. We didn't make any further comments to the homeowner, but we have seen this situation happen many times; a homeowner decides to save money by doing a home improvement project on their own only to have to pay more in the long run.

After locating the cause of the loss, we began drying out the property's basement and performed the proper deck repairs so that no further water damages occurred.

Wrapping up

We hope you enjoyed learning about the importance of deck flashing and how it is a crucial component in constructing any deck. In short, deck flashing water damage can be caused by improper installation. Still, when installed correctly, it will shield against moisture intrusion from excessive precipitation or high humidity levels in the air.

Please contact us today if your property has recently been damaged by water. Our IICRC certified professionals are available 24/7, 365 days a year, and use advanced moisture mapping techniques to determine the cause of the water damage and the number of damages to the structure.

When the Base of a Toilet Starts Leaking: A Guide to What To Do

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

Toilet leaking at base from a damaged toilet seal Contact the water restoration professionals for water damage caused by a leaky toilet.

A small leak at the base of a toilet can result in thousands of dollars worth of damages.

Every homeowner knows that many problems can arise when owning a home and a toilet leaking is one of them. Unfortunately, toilets sometimes leak from the base; it's important to know what to do in case this happens so you can get your toilet up and running and avoid unwanted water damage

The following blog post is intended for those currently finding a leak at the base of a toilet. 

Why does a toilet leak at the base? 

There are four major causes for a leak at the base of a toilet:

  1. A damaged toilet seal
  2. A clog 
  3. Loose T-Blots 
  4. A crack 

A leaky toilet seal

The most common reason why there is a leak at the base of the toilet is due to a leaky toilet seal. Toilet seals are made of wax and rubber, which will wear out over time. 

A toilet clog

Another major cause of a toilet leak is when there is a clog in the toilet piping. Toilets consist of pipes that run into the floor in order for the contents to go down properly - these pipes may become blocked by limescale or other contaminants, causing a leak at the base of a toilet.

Loose T-blots

The purpose of t-bolts is to connect the toilet to the floor. When the t-bolts become loose, water will leak out from the bottom of the bowl. If loose t-bolts are the cause of your toilet leak, you can use a wrench to tighten the bolts.

A cracked toilet bowl 

A crack in the toilet bowl will also result in a water leak at the base of the toilet. Therefore, when you find a crack in the toilet, it is clear that it is time to purchase a new toilet bowl

Avoiding toilet leak water damages

The best thing to do is stop using the toilet and turn off the water supply valve located under or near the toilet bowl at the first sign of a toilet leak. The water damage restoration professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have responded to many small toilet leaks that appear to have been left to sit for months. Unfortunately, the damages resulted in rotting subflooring and mold growth throughout the bathroom. 

Most water damages caused by a leak at the base of a toilet are categorized as category three water damage. Category three water damage is the most severe type of water damage because the water is contaminated with pathogens and bacteria. When water damage professionals arrive at a category three water damage, they will show up in full PPE to avoid direct contact with the highly contaminated water. In addition, all contents that have been affected by category three water will need to be properly discarded. 

Who to call to fix a leaky toilet 

A leaky toilet needs to be fixed by a professional plumber. Toilet leaks can be very serious and may lead to a significant rise in water bills and cause water damage to your home. Therefore, you must call for help if you have noticed any signs of leakage at the base of your toilet.

Who to call for water damage restoration

You can count on the help of SERVPRO of North Fulton when you find yourself in a situation where there is water puddling at the base of the toilet. The professionals at SERVPRO offer water extraction services and have experience handling any type of water damage situation. When you contact SERVPRO, an IICRC certified professional will quickly locate the cause of the loss and determine the severity of the water damage. 

Contact us today!

Learn How A Blocked Outdoor Drain Can Cause Water Damages

3/8/2021 (Permalink)

Clean drain at the bottom of stairwell Keep your drain clear to avoid water damages!

A blocked drain can lead to water intrusion.

A network of pipes makes up a typical home plumbing system. These pipes then link out to the city sewage system or your septic tank. Many water faucets in your home, including those in the kitchen and bathroom, send wastewater to the main house sewage line.

Outdoor drains work similarly to the drains in your home. Driveway drains, area drains, roof drains, and other types of drains are examples. These outside drains, like all water fixtures, are prone to clogging. Dirt, leaves, and heavy rainstorms tend to block outside drains, causing a disastrous situation when they back up.

How a blocked outdoor drain can cause indoor water damage

Clogged outdoor drains often lead to water damage. A blockage may take some time to build up and become fully evident, but once a problem has begun to take its toll, it'll become noticeable quickly.  

Weak drainage is the most visible effect of a clogged drain. When a drain is clogged, water has a harder time passing through it, resulting in slower draining than usual. 

When clogs block the pipes, the water that is trapped must find a way. In most cases, a leak in your pipes is always the result. Diverted water flowing through leaks will destroy your pipes as well as leak into your home. 

3 Common reasons for clogged outdoor drain:

  1. Foreign material stuck in the pipeline. 
  2. Debris brought in my heavy storms/rainfall.
  3. Broken pipes.

Stairwell drainage issues

The outside stairs leading to the basement can result in flood damage after heavy rain occurs. The small drain at the bottom of the stairs cannot handle massive amounts of pressure; the higher the pressure, the more likely water will seep into the basement from under the door. If this is a recurring issue, a good idea will be to build an awning over your stairs to divert water away from the stairway and avoid future water damages.

How to clear out a clogged outdoor drain

Outdoor drains are often clogged after heavy storms. Heavy rainstorms bring dense mud and silt blockages and larger debris like leaves & tree limbs to easily find their way into the outside drain and create a barrier to the flow.

3 Ways to clear out a clogged drain

  1. A drainage snake is an essential tool. These products are mostly made of steel joints and are long, lightweight, and flexible. They allow you to break through a blockage in your drain, allowing you to reach deep within the external structures.
  2. Remove all the blockage you can reach with your hand
  3. Apply water pressure and flush out the blockage.

When to contact water damage professionals?

If the key issues are yard topography and soil permeability, you will need to hire experts to redesign the whole lawn or garden. It's also beneficial if you have a map or diagram that displays where pipeline links are located. 

Since most outside drain plumbing is shallow, it's always a good idea to choose the finest drain pipe material accessible. When identifying the clogged area is challenging, you'll need a skilled plumber who can use devices like a sewer inspection camera. 

When you have water damage, call SERVPRO of North Fulton. Our team is fully equipped with state-of-the-art tools and IICRC certified professionals who have qualified experience in restoring water damage. We want your everyday life to be normal again after you have suffered water damages.

Contact us today for 24/7 emergency services!

What makes an insurance preferred water restoration vendor in Alpharetta, GA?

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

pipe leak causing water damage Trust your insurance adjuster in choosing SERVPRO for restoration repairs!

Know what to look for when hiring a water restoration vendor 

When a restoration business is a preferred vendor amongst insurance companies, it means that the restoration business is legitimate and complies with the policyholder. SERVPRO of North Fulton is a preferred water damage vendor in Alpharetta because their services are performed with integrity and are committed to helping customers with their property claims

SERVPRO of North Fulton works closely with all insurance companies to provide our customers with quality work at a budget-friendly price. It enables the customer to have their property restored within the available budget. We provide quality assurance; that’s why we’ve trusted providers—the work you receive from us is only of top quality. Our experience and certifications speak for themselves, and our restoration process is more efficient and takes less time than any other competitors.  

What to look for when hiring a water restoration vendor?

Water restoration companies are all different in various ways, such as values, goals, and target market. If there’s water damage at your home, it’s crucial to ensure that the right company is hired to restore your home. 

Here are a few points to consider while hiring a restoration vendor:

  • Skills for water restoration 

 Technical expertise is essential. Are the technicians experienced in emergency jobs? ; They should be skilled in dealing with broken pipes or floods. The company you choose needs to specialize in drying, cleaning, mitigating water damage, and performing home repairs. 

  • Experience and professionalism

Any water restoration company should have team members with the IICRC certifications and the professionalism to deal with any size disaster. Customer service skills are essential to make an impact in the industry. 

  • Reputation

Technical skills and reputation are also an added advantage. A company with a higher reputation will have more five-star reviews on Google. When a company has a significant reputation in the industry, more people will hire your company. 

What makes the right water restoration vendor?

When water strikes your home, it’s essential to find the right water restoration vendor, as experience will provide you with detailed results and reliable services. 

Below are two considerations to help choose the best water damage restoration company: 

  1. A company should be appropriately licensed and insured. A trusted company will have specialists to carry out the job and will provide the best services. 
  2. It’s also essential to hire a water damage restoration company that is efficient enough to deal quickly when the disaster strikes. Therefore a company that operates 24/7 will be a perfect fit to ease your burden and provide guaranteed services.

How to find the right water damage contractor

When a water disaster strikes, it will disrupt your everyday lifestyle; therefore, it’s essential to reduce the damage quickly to solve the problem. A preferred water damage restoration company will quickly offer a reliable service, detailed plans, and quality results. 

Make sure the water damage contractor you choose:

  • Responds and acts immediately when there’s damage 

If the water is left untreated for a long time, it could be hazardous and complicate the process. , It is essential to choose a water restoration service that acts and responds quickly to the issue. 

  • Well-Trained Teams

The water restoration teams that are insured and licensed are mostly more suitable than the others. If the company is in the business for a more extended period, they likely have more experience. 

  • Local references and good reputation 

Choose a known company when a disaster strikes. If you are a new homeowner that has never had a disaster strike, you can ask your insurance company or neighbors who they recommend. Ask around and use a company that is a preferred water damage vendor. SERVPRO is known for its reputation and quality work. 

Why Choose SERVPRO

As soon as a water disaster strikes, you immediately need help, and for that, you can entirely rely on SERVPRO of North Fulton. Our team consists of experienced and trusted individuals that are here to assist you 24/7. 

Our compassionate team members will be delighted to guide you, answer all of your questions, and provide quality solutions. We give you reliable repairs and a detailed plan to bring your property to its pre-disaster condition. Contact us today!

5 Types of Secondary Water Damage

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

secondary water damage wood rot Secondary water damage wood rot.

What Is Secondary Water Damage?

Secondary water damage is the next stage of damages from primary water damage. Secondary water damage occurs whenever the first water damage occurs and is left untreated. Untreated water damage will cause secondary water damage in the property. 

Some homeowners experience secondary water damage when they try to clean the damages themselves rather than hiring professional water damage restorers. Even if you try your best to clean up and restore primary water damage, some moisture may remain and lead to secondary water damage. 

Hence, you must contact water damage restoration experts such as the professionals at SERVPRO to help fix the water damage problem before it leads to secondary water damages.

Secondary water damage goes beyond just wet carpets and walls. It usually affects the structure of the premises and might have the following issues as well:

  • Buckling hardwood floors
  • Black mold or mold spores
  • Rotted drywall
  • Peeling vinyl, etc.

Each of these issues is caused by high levels of humidity and water. The best way to prevent secondary water damage, such as mold growth, all the water must be dried out properly by water clean up professionals.

Five Types of Secondary Water Damage

Secondary water damage may appear on your property in the following five types:

  1. Electrical Damage: Water can seep into electrical sockets causing severe electrical damage. When your electrical switches or sockets have been affected by water damage, you must seek help from a professional immediately and stay clear of the affected area to avoid any injuries or damage.
  2. Mold Growth: Another common form of secondary water damage is mold growth. With enough moisture, mold can grow as quickly as in 24 hours. Quickly drying a water damaged structure is essential to prevent the growth of mold. 
  3. Wood Rot: Wood rot is another typical secondary water damage because the initial water damage is not treated swiftly. Wood rot is when the wood on your property begins to rot and cause major structural issues.
  4. Corrosion: Metallic materials such as pipes and studs may start to get rusty and corrode due to constant water exposure. Corrosion can cause all of the metal structures to disintegrate over time, causing even more structural damages.
  5. Material Damage: Lastly, when flooring materials like laminate and hardwood are exposed to water for lengthened periods, they will start to lose their form. When this happens, there is no remedy to bring them back to their original form, and you have no other choice but to remove and replace them. Moreover, when water is trapped under the floor, it will cause mold growth due to moisture. It is best to dry hardwood flooring as soon as possible to avoid mold growth. 

If you notice any of these forms of secondary water damage, contact SERVPRO of North Fulton as soon as possible to help restore all the damage and prevent any further loss.

What Causes Secondary Water Damage And Why Should You Avoid It

The main reasons for secondary water damage are straightforward to point out. Secondary water damages occur when a property owner fails to mitigate water damage to their home or business. Whether big or small, any water damage needs to be taken care of as soon as possible because secondary water damages can occur in a short amount of time. 

To avoid any secondary water damage to your property, you are best off contacting professional water damage technicians. Certified technicians will help fix up the problem, save you tons in damages, and keep your property in good structural condition.

Choosing The Right Company

Whenever your property suffers from any water damage, you need to call professionals such as those at SERVPRO to come to help you restore the damage. You should contact us as soon as possible to prevent any additional water damage to property and minimize overall loss. Remember that whenever water damage is left on your property, it can further lead to secondary water damage and structural issues such as warped flooring and black mold. 

Hiring the best water damage restoration company is the key to your safety and wellbeing. Hence, you need a company that has all the state-of-the-art equipment and experts with years of experience to help fix up the problem for you. Call SERVPRO today for commercial and residential water damage restoration services.

4 Step Process to Dry Hardwood Floors?

11/2/2020 (Permalink)

Dry hardwood flooring in Atlanta Home SERVPRO has the equipment to dry all flooring types!

Hardwood Drying Advice From The Water Damage Professionals 

Have you recently had a flood or water damage and are now wondering if your hardwood floors will be able to be saved. This blog post will discuss how the SERVPRO professional dry hardwood floors and the signs that your hardwood floors have been damaged by water.  

Due to the porous nature of wood, water is easily absorbed. What this means is that when your home undergoes a flood or water damage, you’ll want to remove all moisture by properly drying hardwood flooring as quickly as possible.

Signs That Hardwood Floors Have Water Damage

Before we get started on the signs to look out for, we think it is important that you know that the EPA states that mold growth can start within 48-72 hours when your floors (or walls) get wet. 

With that being said, here are 3 signs to look out for:

1) The Hardwood flooring begins to buckle 

2) The Hardwood flooring show water stains

3)The Hardwood sides begin to swell 

Remember that even though you might not see clear signs of water damage to your hardwood flooring, that doesn't mean that water has not penetrated through the cracks. When water gets under hardwood flooring, it can be absorbed by the plywood subfloor underneath the hardwood. 

4 Steps The Restoration Professionals Use To Dry Hardwood Flooring 

When the professionals at SERVPRO get a call about water damage, they know that they need to act fast before mold growth or other more severe water damages occur to the home or business. Please keep in mind that every water damage is different and that the following steps are not in a particular order. 

Step 1: Remove All Saturated Materials From The Floor

In most cases, as soon as the water damage professionals arrive at a water damage job, they will remove all soaked Rugs and furniture. They do this to prevent standing water and for avoiding future mold spores from growing in the cracks of the hardwood floor.  

The water damaged rugs and furniture will be placed in a separate area for drying. In some cases, customers ask for specialty rug cleaning. Here at SERVPRO, Rug cleaning takes place at our warehouse.  

Step 2: Use Water Extractors to Soak Up as Much of the Water as Possible

A basic wet vac may be able to do the job for small water damages, but in most cases, the water damage professionals will bring in their specialty water extractors that are linked to their trucks. They will continue to run their water extractors over the floor until water is no longer being sucked up. All the water from a customer's water damage will be taken with the restoration professionals and then properly discarded. 

Step 3: Perform a Moisture Tests

The professionals will use a moisture meter to see how much remaining moisture is in the hardwood. In almost every scenario, the moisture meter will show signs of moisture after a day or two. Every other day a professional will come out and check to see how the hardwood is drying. They will be recording the temperature and the humidity levels during every visit as well. 

Step 4: Use Dehumidifiers and Air movers 

The use of dehumidifiers and air movers ensures that the hardwood will be dry in time to avoid possible mold growth. The most important thing to remember is never to wait for the flooring to dry naturally. It can take weeks for dry hardwood to occur naturally; left alone will most likely lead to more significant issues. 

Even after the water extraction process occurs, the wood flooring may appear dry but remember that wood is very porous. To enhance the drying process, the professionals will strategically place a dehumidifier and air movers. Dehumidifiers and air movers work with each other. The air mover will move the water particles from the hardwood flooring into the air, and then the dehumidifier will suck up any moisture.

Final Thoughts 

Even if your hardwood floor has been sealed and waxed, it will still be highly susceptible to water damage because these sealants are not designed to prevent massive amounts of moisture. In most cases, a waxed hardwood floor will only be able to protect against spills. 

SERVPRO of North Fulton is available 24/7 for all of your water damage restoration needs. They will go the extra mile and be a mediator between you and your insurance company to ensure that you are appropriately compensated for your water damage.

Call us at (770) 992-2777


10/5/2020 (Permalink)

Clogged gutters to Sandy Springs home Have Water Damage? Call Us Today!

The SERVPRO team has mitigated the most extensive damages caused by clogged gutters. Water damages come in all shapes and sizes; we are ready 24/7 for water restoration services. 

As we transition into the fall months, it is important to add gutter cleaning to your outdoor to-do list. Gutters collect leaves, sticks, and other debris throughout the year. Gutter cleaning in both the spring and fall months is a great way to stay on top of potential water damages that occur when gutters are clogged. Gutters can cause expensive damages to your home when not properly maintained. 

Water Damages Caused By Clogged Gutters 

Five significant restoration damages clogged gutters include: 

  1. Damage to siding 
  2. Gutter damage 
  3. Roof leaks 
  4. Foundation damage
  5. Landscape Damage 

Damage To Siding 

Clogged gutters will cause water to spill over the gutters and down into the siding and window frames of your home. Excess moisture can cause any saturated wood to rot and weaken over time. It is best to have the rotting wood replaced once noticed to avoid any further damages. In worst-case scenarios, we have seen mold damages occur to a homes' wood framing once it got inside the walls. Mold damage to your home is the last thing any homeowner wants. The more severe the damage, the more materials will have to be removed.  

Gutter Damage

Clogged gutters will begin to gather more and more debris as time passes. The debris collected in the gutters will place excess weight on the gutters. Eventually, the gutters will detach from the side of your home, creating gaps in the system. A detached gutter system will not serve its purpose and may cause more damage. You must stay clear from a loose gutter system; it can cause serious injuries if it falls on someone.  

Roof Leaks

A gutter system is attached to the edge of the roof surface. It is common to see damaged wood sheeting beneath the roofing due to clogged gutters. A leak or stain on the ceiling of your home is often the first sign of a roof leak. The best way to mitigate the damage leaking roof is by hiring a roofing professional to replace the damaged shingles. If the damage has caused severe rotting, it may be necessary to replace the whole roof. Remember that mold can begin to develop within 24-48 hours after water damage occurs. SERVPRO can help with water restoration and insurance repairs.

Foundation Damage

The SERVPRO professionals have seen pools of water form at the edge of your home due to clogged gutters. Excess water can deteriorate your home's foundation by creating cracks in the concrete; the more significant the gap to your foundation, the more severe water damage. 

It is essential to get foundation cracks fixed ASAP. A prolonged repair can cause extensive structural damage. 

Landscape Damage

Many of the homeowners in Sandy Springs have invested in the landscaping of their homes. Clogged gutters will cause excess water to fall on plants and flowers. A plant that gets too much water will end up drowning and die. 

In Conclusion 

SERVPRO of North Fulton understands that getting on a roof may be difficult. While gutter cleaning may be challenging, it is much better than the alternative, water damage. We stand by our promise to send out an IICRC water damage professional within eight hours after you call us to restore your home from water damages due to clogged gutters.

Call us at (770) 992-2777

SERVPRO Takes A Look At Water Damage vs. Flood Damage

8/3/2020 (Permalink)

Flood damage to multiple homes Potential flooding can occur from a hurricane passing through Georgia

When homeowners call about restoration damage to their property, they need to know that water damage and flood damage are not interchangeable. Water and flood damage are different from one another. 

Mistaking the two can be costly when the homeowner tries to file a water damage claim for flooding, filing for a flood is a different claim altogether.

Aswell, flood insurance and water damage insurance are two different things. We have heard terrible stories about insurers getting out of paying for the claim by proving that a homeowner's insurance type does not cover the damage that the property has undergone. 

Breakdown of flood and water damage insurance

Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is separate from homeowner's insurance. Properties that are near an area that is prone to flooding, the homeowner, will be required to buy a separate flood insurance policy. 

Flood insurance covers flood damage to the house's foundation, appliances, carpeting, paneling, and electrical and plumbing systems. 

Water Damage Insurance

Water damage is typically covered under homeowner's insurance, but you should read your policy carefully to determine what kind of water damage your insurer will pay. Typically, water damages are caused by severe rainstorms, pipes bursting, or a hailstorm that breaks your windows and allows water to intrude into your home.

What Is the Difference Between Water Damage and Flood Damage

To quickly differentiate the difference between flood damage and water damage, remember that only one home typically suffers from water damage. On the contrary, when flood damage occurs, multiple surrounding homes suffer from the same problem. 

Black Water Flood damage is a result of the following causes:

  • Water overflowing from tidal waters or inland waters. 
  • Water runoff from a mountains 
  • Mudflow from hills

Similarities Between Water Damage and Flood Damage

Both water damage and flood damages cause structural damage and damage to your personal belongings. The water restoration cleaning process is similar for both types of damages. 

Documentation is essential when filing a claim for water or flood damage. SERVPRO will follow the following step to ensure your insurance company processes the claim:

  • Taking pictures and videos of the damage
  • Listing the damaged items in your home
  • Contacting your insurance company
  • Estimating using Xactimate (Prefered estimating software for insurance claims)

Filing a claim for restoration damages 

Typically speaking, homeowner's insurance doesn't cover damages caused by flooding. If you fear that your home is susceptible to flooding, we suggest that you purchase separate flood insurance directly through the federal government's National Flood Insurance Program, also known as the NFIP.

SERVPRO of North Fulton is here to help our residents file any restoration insurance claims. We know the ins and outs of home insurance claims and will look over your policy to ensure you are adequately covered as well as help you get the most out of your insurance claim. If your home has recently suffered from water or flood damage, please call us at (770) 992-2777. We are available 24/7 for all emergency restoration damages. 

More about Sandy Springs

3 Essential Pieces of Equipment Used To Dry Hardwood Flooring After A Water Damage

6/29/2020 (Permalink)

Wet Hardwood flooring It is important to act quickly when hardwood floors get wet!

SERVPRO is trained on various drying techniques when water damage occurs 

When water damage occurs, our certified water damage professional will use various techniques and equipment to restore all damaged materials after a water loss. The homes in Alpharetta, Georgia consist of many different types of flooring. Depending on the type of flooring will indicate the strategy that is necessary to remove all water and moisture from the flooring types. When we arrive on-site, you can guarantee that all of our team's professionals have received extensive training to provide the best approach to drying your home's flooring. 

In most category one water losses, we can restore all flooring types. If your home has carpet flooring then the carpeting will be lifted, and in most cases, the padding will be removed. When we take a look at a water loss with all hardwood flooring, it is essential to use specific drying techniques for mold growth not to occur. 

Hardwood Flooring is a sensitive material to dry. In the restoration industry, it is a known fact that wood absorbs moisture quickly; that is why it is crucial to dry the standing water promptly. If hardwood flooring is not dried within 48 hours, saturation will likely reach a point where the wood begins to warp and distort the wood planks leaving demolition of the flooring to be the only option. 

Three Pieces of Hardwood Flooring Drying Equipment

1. Air movers 

Air Movers help the water molecules spread in the air so that they can be pulled into the dehumidifier. 

2. Dehumidifier 

Dehumidification allows the water in the air to be pulled into the dehumidifier and collected. 

3. Drying Mat system 

A drying Mat system works similarly to an air mover in that it blows the air that is trapped in the wood. This piece of equipment is specifically for drying hardwood flooring. All of our SERVPRO trucks carry one of these systems in case of a water damage emergency.

Replacing Damaged Flooring

In some more severe water damage like in a category three water loss, the floors are no longer salvageable and require a full replacement. If the category three floors are not entirely replaced, you can put you and your family at a potential health risk. SERVPRO of North Fulton obtains its Georgia construction contractors license allowing them to repair the damages after any water damage restoration job fully. We will start by doing a complete demolition of the damaged flooring and then reinstall new flooring to equal or greater value. Our goal is to transition from mitigation to repairs and then get you back to your property "Like it never even happened."

Water loss incidents are nearly unavoidable in most cases. To best recover your property, it is essential to choose a company that makes the restoration and recovery a priority. No matter what the materials are present in the water damage SERVPRO will have you covered. Contact us today at (770) 992-2777 to schedule an appointment or for any questions on water damage restoration

More on Alpharetta

Two Things To Consider During Water Restoration Damages

6/22/2020 (Permalink)

Alpharetta home water restoration damage Our equipment is set up to follow a drying plan designed by a certified drying professional.

We effectively tackle water restoration damages by defining the classes of water. 

We want our customers to be aware that water damage restoration is not solely water extraction from the damaged structure. Professionals in the restoration industry know that a developed drying plan needs to be implemented. As well, the professionals understand that each structure has different drying needs. 

For all of those DIY individuals, please do not assume that merely placing drying equipment and spraying antimicrobial on products are all that the professionals do during restoration mitigation. To further detail, we are going to review some of the various aspects that restoration professionals need to consider when attending a water clean up job in Alpharetta

Amount of Water 

When one of our IICRC certified project managers arrives on site, the first thing that we are going to take note of is where the source of the water damage is coming from. The next thing we will note is the amount of water and type of water that has damaged the property. We can handle any size disaster; our most significant loss to date had over twenty SERVPRO personnel, the water loss onsite. 

Water Type

When water damage occurs, it is essential to indicate what type of water damage is present. There are three main types of water damages: Black water, gray water, and clean water. 

Category 1 Water Damage- Clean Water 

Clean water damages are the most straightforward projects because there are fewer health risks that are associated with this type of water damage. In a clean water restoration project, the water typically comes from a treated source, meaning no waste products are apparent. These damages usually are from faulty appliances such as overflowing sinks, leaking roofs, and pipe bursts. Most damaged materials are salvageable when clean water damage affects a structure. 

Category 2 Water Damage- Gray Water 

Gray water damage is where there is water that carries waste products. A typical category two water damage will result from washing machine malfunctions, or dishwasher overflows. If a person was to drink or make any contact with gray water, there is a possibility that health risks will be involved. Our highly trained individuals will thoroughly clean and replace any affected materials affected by gray water, and please note that gray water never has human waste involved. 

Category 3 Water damage- Black Water  

Black water damages have been misunderstood because people have assumed that the water needs to be black; this is not the case. Black water damage is any water damage that has unsanitary water with debris that present health risks to humans and animals. A typical example of black water is water damage that results from broken sewage pipes or flood water damage. In the case of black water damage, SERVPRO of North Fulton will always remove all of the damaged materials involved in the water loss. 

SERVPRO is known for being fast responders and will be at your property within 8 hours of your initial call. If your property has recently suffered from a water loss, please contact our office at (770) 992-2777.

More on Alpharetta.

The Characteristics of Water Damage

4/20/2020 (Permalink)

Water damage can occur in the blink of an eye from a wide variety of sources. No matter the source, our expert technicians here at SERVPRO of North Fulton can identify the source and type of water damage that has occurred and promptly work to resolve the issue to restore your home or business to its normal state and give you peace of mind as soon as possible. 

If you are in the unfortunate position that your home or business has suffered any extent of water damage, you must give us a call immediately. At SERVPRO, our highly trained professionals are ready to respond to the situation immediately to remove the water as quickly as possible. Whether coming from a burst pipe or flood, water moves extremely quickly and can damage an entire building’s contents if not dealt with right away. Chemicals and other contaminants in water can leave surfaces permanently tarnished or stained and can also open up the opportunity for mold and bacteria growth. 

The long term effects of water damage include the increased risk of allergens in the area, mold and bacteria growth, as well as an unpleasant odor. Standing water in any location left unattended can also create issues within your property by warping floors, splitting frames, and leading to structural failure. Give us a call immediately and let the experts here at SERVPRO of North Fulton ensure your home or business is properly inspected, repaired, and restored to prevent extensive damage. If you’re able to identify water damage quickly, our trained water damage professionals being on the scene within the first few hours will help greatly reduce the cost, the time needed, and the extent of work required to repair and restore your home or business. 

There may be times when water damage may not be apparent as the source may not be visible until it’s too late. Even the smallest leak can turn into a huge problem if left unattended and unnoticed for long enough. 

Firstly when dealing with any water damage, we ensure all areas are properly dried. We use a variety of equipment depending on the scope of the water damage from air movers to dehumidifiers to force dry any affected areas so that they may be properly cleaned and repaired and to minimize further damage. When you give our water damage professionals here at SERVPRO a call, we will first identify and stop the source of water on the scene, determine the level of damage and contamination, and begin the drying and repair process. By quickly removing all moisture from the premises, the chance for mold and bacteria growth is greatly limited as well as the potential for any further damage by standing water to be caused. 

If you are in the unfortunate position of having water damage in your home or business, give our experts at SERVPRO of North Fulton a call at (770) 992-2777, and we will make it our top priority to restore your property as quickly as possible - because we’re faster than any size disaster.

How to Spot Water Damage Pt 1

3/30/2020 (Permalink)

There are many signs that your home or business has been damaged by water that can range from a burst pipe spraying into a hallway to something as subtle as a small dripping leak that goes unnoticed for months. No matter the source, water damage is crucial to respond quickly to restore anything damaged and prevent any further damage from being done. The problem sometimes with spotting water damage is that it isn’t always apparent, so you may not even realize you have a problem until it’s a big one. A professional water damage restoration company like us here at SERVPRO of North Fulton can detect most issues with specialized equipment and trained professional technicians, but how would you know that you need to call us in the first place? Please give us a call if you feel that your home or business may be suffering from water damage. We have the advanced equipment and expertise to turn the loss around and make it, “Like it never even happened.” 

How to Spot Water Damage Pt 2

3/30/2020 (Permalink)

Here are six simple ways to spot potential water damage: 

Pooling/Standing Water 

A pool of water can indicate an indoor leak or a burst pipe or several issues related to water damage. If you notice moisture or water collecting in any area that doesn’t go away or gets more extensive, you may have a leak or seepage somewhere. There may also be times you see water pooling in areas of your lawn. If you see this, it may indicate a rise in the level of groundwater usually after heavy rainfall or a burst pipe underground, which could result in significant foundation water damage. 


Areas that have been exposed to moisture for long periods tend to have a very distinct musky, moldy odor. If you notice any spaces in your home or business that have the strange smell of mold or moisture, you may have water damage somewhere not immediately visible. The IICRC trained professionals here at SERVPRO of North Fulton are trained to clean, sanitize, and deodorize your home after water damage resulting in a lasting odor. 


Frequently along with the musky smell, areas that are damaged by water are usually noticeably cooler than other areas due to moisture in the walls and other materials evaporating. If there are colder areas around your home or business that are cooler than others, check for some of these other signs of water damage as well to determine if you may have a leak or seepage somewhere. 


A very easy to spot indicator of water damage is discoloration of materials like the walls and ceilings of your property. Standing water in a ceiling will eventually seep through the insulation and drywall and leave a yellowish stained spot where the water has collected. Over time these areas can sag if they’re large enough and even collapse if enough water has collected and sat long enough. 


Many sources of moisture can cause mold, and things such as bathroom condensation may cause mold that wouldn’t be extensive enough to require water damage restoration. However, mold in any area of your home is any indicator that there is too much-standing moisture that needs to be removed. Our professional technicians here at SERVPRO of North Fulton are specially trained in water damage restoration. They can adequately locate and remove all sources of mold in your home or business. 


The final and more subtle sign of water damage to your property is sound. While sounds of moving water, dripping, and creaking may all be sounds of a perfectly normal plumbing system. It is essential to keep an ear out for changes in typical sounds to identify if there are any problems with your plumbing system or if there is a leak somewhere in your home or business. 

In the event your home or basement floods, it is best to contact a company of professionals to respond quickly and adequately to help the situation. Give us here at SERVPRO of North Fulton a call at (770) 992-2777 for any water damage restoration emergency, and we will respond right away.

The Best Way to Protect Your Home from Water Damage

3/23/2020 (Permalink)

Dealing with water damage in your home or business can be overwhelming and costly. The average bill to repair and restore water damage to a home or business is thousands of dollars, and damage can be anywhere from the basement to the roof. You should be especially aware if you live in a flood zone; however, water damage can still occur at any time and anywhere around your property. At SERVPRO of North Fulton, we pride ourselves on our industry expertise with handling water damage and restoring your home or business to its original state. Here’s how you can best protect your home from water damage to be prepared year-round. 

It’s first best to know the most common causes of water damage to know what to look for and where to look if your home or business suffers water damage. Here’s a list of some common cause of significant water damage: 

  • Roof damage (broken/missing shingles, cracked flashing, etc.)
  • Burst or leaking pipes
  • Leaking household appliances such as laundry machines or dishwashers 
  • Extreme weather and floods 

Some things to look for when trying to determine if there is water damage in your home or business are: 

  • Warped or sagging ceilings 
  • Peelings paint/wallpaper
  • A musty smell of mold and moisture 
  • Warped floors
  • Water pooling in areas of your lawn

The big secret to best protecting your property from water damage and other damages is in home maintenance. Inspect your roof. It takes the forefront of the elements 24/7 year-round. Your roof should be inspected periodically to ensure all shingles, caulk, and flashing are in place and undamaged. Your gutters should also be maintained to ensure that proper drainage is available to water running off your roof. If your gutters are clogged, and water cannot correctly escape your roof, it can pool on the roof or around your foundation, leading to potentially severe water damage. Your windows can be caulked to prevent snow and other moisture from penetrating inside during inclement weather. This also applies to indoor areas that may be exposed to water as the kitchen and bathroom by caulking things like sinks, tubs, and backsplashes so that water cannot get into the walls of your property. The best sealant to use for these indoor areas is one that is 100% silicon. Silicon caulking is waterproof, doesn’t crack over time, and is flexible, unlike acrylic caulk, which can shrink over time, allowing water through. 

While all these steps may be taken to prevent water damage from occurring, it cannot be guaranteed that water damage can be prevented. Things like natural disasters and floods arise, and water damage can still happen. However, no matter what event may occur, you can call our trained water damage restoration professionals here at SERVPRO of North Fulton, and we will make it our top priority to get your home or business back to its original state so that you can take a breath. No one wants to deal with water damage to their property, SERVPRO will be there for you. 

SERVPRO of North Fulton at (770) 992-2777 is ready to help local homeowners with flood damage. They have the advanced equipment and expertise to turn the loss around and make it, “Like it never even happened.”

What to Expect From the Water Restoration Process

3/2/2020 (Permalink)

Water Restoration Water Restoration Process

Since every flood and water damage scenario is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored to the specific conditions. However, the overall water restoration process remains the same. The process begins when you give us a call. SERVPRO of North Fulton is available 24 hours a day for any size water emergency. 

Immediate action is crucial when facing flooding or water damage and a delay of just a few hours can drastically increase the severity of water damage left behind. While water damage can be chaotic and traumatic to deal with, SERVPRO of North Fulton has the expertise and experience to help you through a water damage disaster. 

When you give us a call, we will ask you questions to assess the situation and determine what equipment and resources will be necessary to bring. Upon arrival at the site of water damage, we begin with a detailed inspection and damage assessment of your home or property to determine the scope of the water damage to create the best plan of action. After inspection, we will identify the source of moisture in your home or business and the type of water. When dealing with water damage, there are three types of water according to their level of contamination: “Clean Water”, “Gray Water”, and “Black Water” are used to classify how contaminated the water is so that our trained SERVPRO Professionals can restore your property to industry guidelines. 

The next step of the water damage restoration process is the actual water removal. After the damage assessment and the source of moisture have been stopped, the water extraction process may begin. If the water damage is great enough to call for extensive restoration or cleaning, SERVPRO of North Fulton can assist with an organized and efficient move-out to ensure your belongings are protected from any further damage. Our highly trained technicians will then begin the water removal process immediately once the surrounding area is cleared. Depending on the level of damage, our technicians may use equipment varying from industrial wet/dry vacuums to powerful submersible pumps. 

Once all water has been successfully removed, the drying and dehumidification process is next. While floors and walls may appear to be dry, they will be wet to the touch as most building materials such as wood and drywall retain water once submerged. Our Professionals use measurements, temperature, and humidity to best determine how much equipment such as dehumidifiers and air movers will be needed to dry your home or business. 

Most of your home or business will require professional cleaning following water damage from the floor to the ceiling. After monitoring the drying process, our technicians will clean your property’s structure, furniture, upholstery, clothing, and any other restorable items or property damaged by water. Following any kind of water damage, your home or business will require cleaning, odor removal, and sanitization depending on the scenario. Our technicians here at SERVPRO North Fulton are trained to deodorize, sanitize, and dispose of damaged materials in your home or property. 

The final step following a water damage disaster is the restoration of your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. This may involve minor repairs such as replacing drywall to major repairs such as the reconstruction of various rooms or areas. Our professionals will provide immediate protective measures during the water damage restoration process such as tarps and will handle rebuilding all affected areas. We are a company qualified to handle the initial damage and rebuilding of the area afterward, and can guarantee to get any building back up to full functionality. 

SERVPRO of North Fulton is ready to help local homeowners with flood damage. They have the advanced equipment and expertise to turn the loss around and make it, “Like it never even happened.”

Causes of Commercial Water Damage to Watch Out For

1/13/2020 (Permalink)

A ripple of water. Every drop matters in a water damage situation.

There are a lot of things to consider when maintaining a commercial property. Of course, safety is managed by laws and requirements that every commercial property must maintain, however unexpected damage is still possible. One case of unexpected commercial property damage is water damage. Commercial water damage can not only be a safety threat, but be incredibly costly to repair. So here are some possible causes of commercial water damage to watch out for.

Windows with cracks or weak construction can allow leaks from weather to invade the interior of the building. Make sure windows are strong and up to date. The foundation of the building is an easy place for water damage to occur since it’s low to the ground where water runoff or storm build up can accumulate. Ensure regular check ups of the integrity of the foundation, including cracks and leaky pipes. Sprinkler systems are required in buildings for safety reasons, but nonfunctional sprinkler systems can pose a threat by unexpectedly turning on and soaking rooms. Like the other causes, make sure someone is constantly assuring the quality of the sprinkler system. The answer to all of these possible causes is to invest in a person or team who can ensure the maintenance of the commercial property.

If you own or maintain a commercial property that has experienced water damage, no matter how much, call your local SERVPRO of North Fulton at (770) 992-2777. SERVPRO of North Fulton has dealt with commercial water damage before and knows exactly how to fix and restore your commercial property to make it “Like it never even happened.”

The Water Restoration Process: Why You Should Hire A Professional Water Removal Company

2/25/2019 (Permalink)

Following a water emergency in your home, whether it be a flooded basement after a heavy rain or burst pipe, you may be at a loss for what steps to take to remediate the damage caused. Additionally, once the water has been removed, restoring your home to like-new and safe condition requires a great deal of attention to detail and knowledge of ways to address structural damage. Because the water restoration process can be extensive in the cases of ceiling water damage, floor water damage, or wall water damage, it’s best to hire a professional water removal company equipped and experienced with such situations. A professional water removal company will offer a range of skills and expertise to help navigate through whatever issues might be present in a water-compromised home.

Causes of Water Damage

Your house is filled with sources of water that cause water damage throughout your home. In addition to causes from within the home, natural disasters can also cause extensive water damage that will require assistance from professionals.

Torrential Rain: After an intense rainstorm, you can experience flooding in your basement that can cause water damage if the water is left standing for a period of time. Water can enter your basement through holes and cracks in the foundation of your home. Rainwater can also find its way into your home through cracks or holes in your roof, leading to water damage on the ceilings, walls, and floors of top-level floors of your house. Water can even enter your house through doors and windows in some cases.

Plumbing Issues: The network of structures that make up the plumbing systems of your home is complex, featuring a variety of joints, pipes, and fixtures. Due to the sheer number of components involved, eventually, you will likely experience an issue with the plumbing in your house. A busted pipe or backup can cause water damage in any area of your house. Without timely repairs, plumbing issues can get worse over time.

Appliances: Constant dripping from appliances such as a dishwasher, washing machine, refrigerator, or water heaters can lead to water damage over time.   

Types of Water Damage

There are a number of tell-tale signs that you have water damage in your home. These types of water damage include mold, cracking, and dry rot, to name the most common.

Mold: Mold grows where there is moisture. It may come as no surprise, then, that following a flooded basement, leaky roof, or built up condensation in a kitchen or bathroom, mold might be present. Mold grows quickly and can find its way throughout many spaces of the house. Mold can grow to be a variety of different colors, the most common being dark green, blue, or black.

Cracking: As water damage become worse over time, you will start to notice cracks throughout your house. These cracks can be seen on walls, floors, and ceilings. Cracks will become more noticeable following prolonged water damage, eventually leading to shifts in the house’s foundation and unstable framework.

Dry Rot: Drywood used in the construction of homes is incredibly tough and durable. When wet, however, wood becomes weaker and prone to rotting. Soft and decomposing wood also attracts a variety of insects, the most damaging being termites which can wreak havoc on the framework.

How to Fix Water Damage

If you spot any types of water damage, you’re likely asking yourself, what exactly does the water restoration process entail? It begins with first identifying the source that has caused the ceiling water damage, floor water damage, or wall water damage. This is an important step, as you can then make the necessary repairs to prevent future damage. Once the source of water has been addressed, water removal can begin. Using pumps and vacuums, water will be removed from the affected area as soon as possible.

After as much moisture has been removed as possible, the drying process can begin. Drying can be done using dehumidifiers, fans, sponges, and cloths. This step can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Next, the affected area should undergo a deep cleaning and sanitization. Because water damage can lead to bacterial growth and the presence of harmful chemicals, it’s important to conduct a thorough cleaning of any carpeting, curtains, clothing, or furniture that has been affected. In some cases, it may be necessary to dispose of items that cannot be salvaged.

The final step in the water restoration process is to replace any insulation or drywall if it has been damaged beyond repair.

Why You Should Hire Professionals

It’s important to hire a professional who can recognize the various types of water damage to conduct home water damage repairs for a number of reasons. One of the most important reasons to hire water damage professionals is to protect your health and safety. Extensive water damage can compromise the structural integrity of your home, making affected areas hazardous.  Professionals will be able to recognize spaces that are not safe to venture into without proper safety gear. Additionally, water damage often results in the presence of chemicals, bacteria, and other toxic materials that can have a negative impact on your health if inhaled or touched. Experienced professionals will be able to identify these hazards and safely remove them with special equipment.

Another reason to hire a professional water removal company for home water damage repair is that they can work quickly and efficiently. While you may be tempted to tackle the water removal process yourself, many individuals who attempt to do so find themselves overwhelmed with the tasks involved, or find that they simply do not have the time in their busy schedules to dedicate to the removal. With years of experience, professionals have a routine in place to get your water damaged home back in working order in no time.

Finally, a professional water removal company has the equipment and capacity necessary to get the water restoration process job done. For water removal, you will need air-moving machines, industrial grade dehumidifiers, antibacterial solutions, and more. As you likely do not have these items on hand, you will not be able to address water damage successfully. A professional company will have everything needed to restore your home.

What to Do When Water Invades Your Sandy Springs Home Causing Damage

3/4/2018 (Permalink)

Broken Pipe and Water Damage Solutions for Sandy Springs Homeowners? Why SERVPRO, of Course

Moisture and Water Removal and Cleanup Mitigate Damages

Water damage can feel like an absolute disaster when it strikes. Whether caused by rain, flooding, or even humidity, unwanted water found inside your Sandy Springs home can be a nightmare. It can be discouraging and quickly turn into an exhausting situation to try and handle.

In Sandy Springs, water damage can come from any source: rain, leaks from plumbing, a forgotten tap left running, or flooding. Beyond the weather, there are appliances in your own home that can also cause water damage should they leak. The truth is, water damage can come from a multitude of places, and it can be hard to prevent an occasional water damaging incident.

Thankfully, SERVPRO is nearby to help. When water damage strikes, our skilled technicians can evaluate the levels of moisture in every point of your home. From there, we can establish a drying plan and return the damaged points of your home to their previous condition. "Like it never even happened."

We can evaluate the percentage of humidity in the air and create an environment which promotes evaporation through dehumidifiers. From there, our technicians can measure moisture levels throughout your home through the use of a moisture meter and even thermal topography. Once those levels are known, the appropriate drying method can be employed and expertly seen too.

No matter where the damage exists, we at SERVPRO know how to dry out the material and return your home to its preloss state. No matter if the flooring of your home is concrete, tile, or hardwood, we have the appropriate tools for every situation. Through the use of air movers, axial fans, and dehumidifiers, we make sure every nook and cranny of the damaged space gets airflow. Using this method ensures the moisture lifts from the surfaces of your belongings and then evaporates so it will no longer be a problem.

When moisture invades your home and causes damage to it, do not wait. Call SERVPRO North Fulton County at (770) 992-2777. We guarantee you fast, efficient, and reliable service 24/7.

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Effects of Water Damage in an Alpharetta Property

10/14/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Offers Water Damage Restoration and Moisture Control to Alpharetta Properties

SERVPRO Can Restore Properties in Alpharetta Damaged by Water

SERVPRO has the experience necessary to inform you of the downsides of excess water in your home. The removal of excess moisture from your Alpharetta home should be a matter of top concern at all times. That is because excess water may find its way into your home through several access points. These include unattended taps, leaks in pipes, excess precipitation, and outright negligence, to mention but a few.

 Regardless of its source, such water may adversely impact your home. In the discussions below, SERVPRO describes the dangers of water damage in Alpharetta and some of the various means and ways of mitigating them.

Carpets are highly absorbent. They easily soak up plenty of water which subsequently weakens its fabrics. If the situation is left to go on unabated, this may often lead to the diminished overall lifespan of the carpets. This means that your carpets can end up being obsolete before their time.

SERVPRO knows too well that wooden pieces of furniture are also very susceptible to excess moisture. That is because such moisture often gets absorbed by the wood and in so doing dampens those wooden components. The resultant effect is rotting of the same and substantially diminished lifespan. Apart from that, they also weaken the furniture so much so that, they may subject anyone who sits on them to the risk of falling off.

Foundations of the buildings may be weakened by excess moisture. Moisture does weaken the foundations if the underlying soil shifts. This makes the soil quite weak as not to offer the required support. This issue may lead to the overall collapse or cracking of the foundation if not mitigated in time.

SERVPRO points out that hidden moisture can encourage the growth and proliferation of mold. Molds and other fungi thrive well in areas with excess moisture. They can lead to health effects.

Count on us, SERVPRO of North Fulton County, to remove water and dry out your home or business by calling  (770) 992-2777 to request a quote or book an appointment.

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Obtain Professional Water Damage Restoration Services in Alpharetta

10/6/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO’s technicians are certified and ready to assist you with your water damage restoration needs.

Fast and Efficient Water Damage Restoration Services

Regardless of the cause, when your Alpharetta home suffers water damage, it can be difficult to repair. A certified professional helps you fight against structural threats and removes any serious unhealthy hazards. The longer these issues fester, the easier it is for things like mold, rot, and corrosion to threaten your home.

You need to remain cautious whenever entering your Alpharetta home after water damage takes hold. The water itself can contain a variety of microbial or infectious hazards while flood waters also often bring wildlife and other contaminated materials into your home as well. It is important to take the proper steps to protect your investment and maintain safety properly at all times while performing repairs of any kind.

Professionals working on your home wear the appropriate protective clothing and so should you. Respirators, gloves, boots, and eye protection are key to eliminating possible hazards; this includes quality materials that can protect you from punctures or animal bites provided by snakes, rodents, reptiles, and other pests hiding under debris that can lash out when startled. 

SERVPRO technicians help you identify these types of hazards and assist you by providing insight into how to avoid additional damages. We offer full-service solutions to water damage issues found in your home, using industrial-grade equipment and years of experience to locate hidden pockets of moisture that could easily cause problems later.

SERVPRO also uses hygrometers and other detection equipment to test moisture levels throughout your home. We can help you determine how far water penetrated specific areas, which helps make the entire drying process simpler. Our technicians also work towards preventing microbial growth, cleaning and restoring areas using both chemical and mechanical methods.

Remember, your best opportunity for a complete restoration is to hire a certified professional. SERVPRO’s entire restoration team has IICRC-certification and follows guidelines set by the EPA to provide you with quality services that help return things to normal after an emergency occurs.

Contact SERVPRO of North Fulton County for more insight into available services or to schedule your initial inspection, today. We stand ready to assist anytime, 24/7, day or night. (770) 992-2777

To learn more about Alpharetta, click here.

Quick and Efficient Water Removal Services for Alpharetta Homes

8/15/2017 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO for fast and effective water removal.

Emergency Water Removal Services

From leaking faucets and ruptured pipes to heavy rainfalls and storms, excess water is one of the most unfortunate problems a homeowner can face. Failure to address it immediately can lead to electrical hazards and expensive damage to the structure and its contents. Furthermore, contaminated water can come with various types of ailments, which may be difficult to treat. Gray water and black water, in particular, is packed with disease-causing organisms such as viruses and bacteria.

To protect your family and your property, you need professional help – and you need it fast. SERVPRO has highly trained technicians at your disposal for emergency water removal services in Alpharetta. We are approved by the IICRC to ensure that our equipment is up to par with industry standards.

Safety is an essential part of the water removal process. After stopping the water at its source and eliminating any electrical hazards in the area, it may be necessary for the occupants to evacuate the building. Indeed, water-damaged structures tend to create slip, trip, and fall hazards, particularly loose power cords, equipment hoses, and wet surfaces.

Confined spaces are usually difficult to access, especially because they are not designed for human habitation. The typically confined spaces that SERVPRO workers enter during water damage removal efforts are attics and crawl spaces. In the presence of sewage contamination, crawl spaces may contain severe hazards like gas lines, electrical wiring, infectious waste, and sewer gas. Our technicians use personal safety equipment and gas masks for additional protection.

Water removal on walls and floors is one of the most challenging parts of the water removal process. Walls behind cabinets, in particular, contain drywall and numerous layers of the cabinet back. Drying depends on the construction of the cabinets and nature of the paint. If the cabinets are hung on an interior wall, we create holes from the other side of the wall to promote ventilation.

Water damage is one of those problems no one loves dealing with, but it has devastating consequences. If it happens to you, SERVPRO of North Fulton County is readily available for quick and efficient water removal services. Call us anytime at (770) 992-2777.

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Avoiding Basement Water Damage In Your Alpharetta Home

7/6/2017 (Permalink)

In your basement, water damage can ruin furniture and flooring, plus lead to mold growth very quickly.

Avoiding Water Damage To Your Basement

In your basement, water damage can ruin furniture and flooring, plus lead to mold growth very quickly. The best way you can avoid such damage is to regularly inspect your basement appliances, helping you not to need water removal and save you time and money.

The first appliance most people have in their basement is a washing machine. When they go bad, water removal is going to be needed fast for your Alpharetta home. Look at the hoses regularly for fraying, bulging, and cracking. Any signs of deterioration can lead to big trouble. Replace the hose right away if you see a problem. Ideally, the hose should be replaced every three to five years to prevent any accidents. When you do have an accident with your washing machine, SERVPRO is the one to call, as we are a professional water remediation company. We have the experience and equipment necessary to recover your basement.

The water heater should be checked next. Most water heaters last eight to ten years, however, there could be signs of a leak before that time. Look for wet areas on the floor, and if you see any, call a professional plumbing contractor right away. If you have it, sump pump equipment should be inspected each year by a professional plumber. They look for gravel, dirt, and sand which can obstruct the ability of the pump to drain properly.

Extra refrigerators and freezers kept in your basement also should be inspected. Ensure the hose connection is attached securely to the water supply line. Watch for wet spots on the floor which could indicate a problem with the ice maker line, as this is a common problem. It's a good idea to replace the original water line with a sturdier aftermarket one.

Our SERVPRO staff arrives quickly to your home to help you with a water agency in your basement. With special truck-mounted pumps plus dehumidifiers and fans, we have your basement dried out again in no time. Any repairs that are necessary are also made, and a mold check is performed.

SERVPRO of North Fulton County is standing by always to assist you and make cleanup easier when your basement needs water removal. Just give us a call at (770) 992-2777, and we make your emergency our priority.

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Water Removal Protects Birmingham Homes From Flooding, Overflows, Back-Ups, And Storm Damage

5/3/2017 (Permalink)

Homes that face such disasters usually benefit from water removal services.

Water Removal Protects Your Home

Many different types of disastrous events and catastrophes can happen to a home, even when it is maintained correctly. Accidents can happen at the worst times. Many are small while others present dangers, all within what is supposed to be a safe and welcoming environment.

Birmingham homes that face such disasters usually benefit from water removal services. When our experts are called to clean up different disasters, one of the first parts of providing the required services is often removing any water on the premises. Water can come from sources that were intended to prevent damage from other emergencies from either taking place or becoming worse, such as water that extinguished a fire, in addition to being the problem itself.

When water has overtaken a home, contamination from solids and liquids is often part of the mess. SERVPRO professionals receive training that fully prepares them to deal with such situations effectively. Because of this training, our technicians are IICRC certified, ensuring that your home receives the best in remediation, repairs, and restorations. Contamination and debris of all material types are removed along with the majority of the water.

This removal of water and other elements that can turn your beautiful home into a dangerous mess continues until even the air inside your home is once again at a normal moisture level. This prevention of mold growth, deterioration of materials, rusting of metal fittings and hardware pieces, and other 'minor' situations can only benefit your home for the long term. In situations where water removal is only partially completed, these damaging situations can become a reality for the homeowner involved.

We at SERVPRO of North Fulton County want to help protect your home from all types of disastrous events. We know that water removal is often the first step that must be taken in restoring your home “Like it never even happened.” Without removing the water first, it is almost next to impossible to carry out the rest of the work your home might require to remain habitable. We are available 24/7 simply by calling (770) 992-2777.

SERVPRO's Class-Based Dehumidification System

3/23/2017 (Permalink)

Regardless of the category of damage, contacting SERVPRO right after a water damage event leads to best results.

Evaluating the Class of Water Damage is Essential to Planning Remediation

Dehumidification is one of the most difficult - and one of the most important - tasks to be done in any water removal job. Determining the correct timing, volume, intensity, and equipment for dehumidification can be a difficult task even for our veteran technicians, so SERVPRO locations nationwide have adopted a fairly straightforward class-based dehumidification system to provide for any drying situation adequately. While a Class 1 scenario requires far less work than a Class 4, we make sure to give all projects we take on the time and attention needed to ensure a thorough job done.
Class 1
Class 1 scenarios are most common when only light water removal is necessary in Alpharetta. Here, very few porous materials such as carpet, padding, and fabric have been affected by water damage, and the only drying we need to do concerns puddles and non-invasive water throughout the area. These situations do not often require more than minor dehumidification regimens. To make sure damage is not worse than it at first seems, we always make sure to use thermal sensors to determine if water has penetrated into any materials we find it on.
Class 2
In a Class 2 scenario, there may be moderate soaking of porous materials, and larger sections of carpeting may be damp. Water may also have wicked up walls around the home, although usually less than two feet high. These situations are when we start to need more advanced dehumidification regimens and machines to address the problem.
Class 3
A Class 3 scenario usually contains wide stretches of wet carpet, fabric, upholstery, and other porous materials. In most cases, water has seeped in from above, such as in a flood. Heavy dehumidification may be required to remove the deep-seated water molecules present throughout the environment.
Class 4
Class 4 scenarios are what challenge SERVPRO personnel the most. In these relatively rare situations, water has penetrated into much harder materials such as tough woods and concrete, requiring specialty dehumidification procedures. Although these hurdles are tough to surmount, our diverse array of tools and national resources allow us to handle them fully.
SERVPRO of North Fulton County takes water removal seriously, ensuring that no step gets skipped over and no home is left with excess moisture. Contact us at the first sign of water damage at (770) 992-2777.

A Fast Response To Water Damage In Alpharetta

10/26/2016 (Permalink)

Flooring, Both Wood and Carpets and Ceiling Tiles Can Suffer Water Damage in Alpharetta

SERVPRO Tip: Mitigate Water Damage with Rapid Water Extraction

If you’ve been putting off repairing or replacing your roof or drainage system, heavy rains may cause water damage to your house. Clogged gutters and missing or poorly positioned downspouts can direct water into your home rather than away from your structure. Leaks can damage your walls and ceilings while accumulated drainage that is not routed properly can enter lower levels of your house, flooding out storage and living areas. SERVPRO has the experience to investigate and respond to any of these water damage disasters with well seasoned and trained crews who are experts in the use of state of the art drying equipment and restoration strategies.

Responding to water damage in Alpharetta will be swift, and a plan for restoration will be developed within hours of your first call to our dispatchers. We are proud of our commitment to be Faster to Any Size Disaster, making solving your water damage issues a priority. Our locally owned company knows how important it is for homeowners like you to have a water removal restoration team on site as soon as possible after waters intrude. No water damage problem is too big or too small for us to offer our industry-leading solutions, always working toward restoring as much of your structure and as many of your treasured household possessions as possible.
Our aim is to return your home to a pre-loss condition quickly, and we urge you not to wait to have our staff visit, inspect and begin remediating your water damage. The longer water stands in a lower level of your home or moves through the layers of plaster or sheetrock in your walls and ceiling the more likely secondary damages will occur such as mold overgrowth or the warping or buckling of hardwood floors. Mold can begin spreading within a day or two and may require chemical treatment to get it under control. Hardwood floors that cup or warp because they had many days to absorb standing water may not be restorable; a condition SERVPRO technicians can avoid by extracting water fast and using their extensive training to dry out the flooring and sub-flooring appropriately. Carpeting, including padding, can be dried and restored in many instances when our crews are on the job the same day. If mold or separation of carpeting fibers and layers, called delamination, happens because too much time has elapsed the floor coverings may not be salvageable.
As soon as you notice the annoying drip of a leak or step into a puddle in your lower level after rainfall immediately contact SERVPRO of North Fulton County. Our office, reachable 24/7 at (770) 992-2777, will ensure trained technicians are on the way to respond to your water damage disaster.

Water Removal - For More Than Just Flooding

8/19/2016 (Permalink)

Complete water removal is required to stop these pathogens from growing and becoming a problem in any Roswell home or business.

Water Damage Removal and Restoration

Beginning with you discovering that water has developed a presence in your living space and making the call to SERVPRO for assistance in fixing the problem, SERVPRO will do everything possible to ensure that your home or property gets back to its original condition, fast. We can also help you with residual water removal and drying when you've discovered water damage in your dwelling's interior walls, floors, ceilings, and other structures, including carpeting and other flooring types. We are IICRC trained and certified with substantial levels of experience.

If you own property in Roswell and need water removal work completed, SERVPRO can handle all types of work, large and small. We know that even small areas in your home that become flooded due to an overflowing sink, tub, or toilet can quickly create a paradise for mold and bacteria. Complete water removal is required to stop these pathogens from growing and becoming a problem in any home or business.

Depending on the extent and location of the water, we will use equipment ranging from a sump pump to commercial grade wet vacs to large truck mounted pumps that will rapidly extract any standing water. For water that has seeped into porous materials, we employ heating units that evaporate the moisture, then ventilate with air movers to remove it from your property and push it to the outdoors.

When it comes to belongings that have become waterlogged, we will remove these items to a dry, and safe, location, to extract the moisture in various ways to ensure that they are preserved as well as possible. This can include books, papers, clothing, paintings, photographs, and even delicate wooden items that are used as décor in your home and may warp when exposed to high humidity levels. Clothing may end up bleeding onto other items, and also may develop mildew spots.

We understand the many ways that water can damage your home, your business, and the items within it. We know how to perform the correct level of water removal so that mold, deterioration of internal structures and any other type of secondary damage is ruled out. We are available 24/7 and can help with all your water removal needs. Call us, SERVPRO of North Fulton County at (770) 992-2777, and we will respond to your emergency immediately.

Roswell Water Damage--Why Call the Experts?

4/30/2016 (Permalink)

Water Leak in Roswell Can Cause a Lot of Problems--Call SERVPRO

SERVPRO Expertly Restores Your Water Damaged Property in Roswell

After local storms have hit your Roswell water damaged home with a deluge of rain, it is important to secure the aid of an experienced water damage restoration company. This important initial step must be done quickly to keep damages as minimal as possible. A team trained in the industry standards of the IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification), can efficiently remove the water and dry out your property, even from hidden cracks and crevices. As certified experts, this crack team can provide industrial grade equipment for water extraction, drying, cleaning, sanitizing and odor control. Applied structural drying techniques mitigate losses along with your stress level.
SERVPRO believes that the faster the water is extracted from your home, the secondary water damage will be mitigated, along with your stress. Property owners know the reputation of this company over the years and are very comfortable for its assistance when water damage has occurred. Other than Roswell water damage caused by inclement weather from flooding, homes can also experience interior water damage from events such as fire, a sewage backup, or a leaking appliance, such as a washing machine. Structural failures from foundation cracks, burst pipes, and roofing problems are also sources of damaging water intrusion. These types of unexpected water damage events, require emergency removal, clean up, and restoration, which is why property owners sometimes don't have time to look for a reliable and dependable flood damage company at the last minute.
SERVPRO is a one-stop restoration shop for dealing with these stressful issues with innovative equipment and tools, including truck-mounted water pumps, air movers and dehumidifiers for decreasing moisture levels. As IICRC certified experts, your home and business can be restored to its pre-loss condition, just "Like it never even happened." This company is not an insurance company but preserves and restores water damaged properties. They can assist with the paperwork to lessen the claims burden, but the final decisions rest with you and your insurance company.

SERVPRO of North Fulton County proudly services any water damage to your Roswell property, as well as our local communities of Alpharetta, Milton, and Johns Creek. As a clean-up and restoration company, they are available to help with any fire, storm, or mold problem 24/7, just contact them at (770) 992-2777.

How to Keep Water Damage from Your Alpharetta Home's Crawlspace

3/1/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Can Install a Sump Pump with the Crawlspace Encapsulation System

SERVPRO's Encapsulation System for Your Alpharreta Crawlspace Helps Prevent Water Damage

Alpharetta water damage can originate from many sources. Many of our local structures utilize a crawlspace for the foundation. This area of your home is often viewed as a potential source of water damage caused by exterior forces like rainwater seepage, flooding, plumbing failures, or sewage backup. But high moisture levels can lead to a host of unwanted consequences within this space. Let's peek inside your crawlspace and see what goes on under your home.
We might have to crawl, stoop, or even walk to inspect the condition of your crawlspace. The many structural variations may show concrete block foundation walls set on footers, piers supporting floor joists, metal supports, and other engineered supporting materials. Between external water intrusion and moisture accumulation, many bad things can happen here. By understanding the building science to remedy these issues, a specific program is available.

SERVPRO of North Fulton now offers a Crawl Space Encapsulation Program
We are Certified Moisture Control Experts. It is imperative to have a full understanding of how moisture, migrating through air, soil, and building materials, affects many facets of your home's structure and your health. The encapsulation process will create a cleaner, dryer, and safer environment in your basement or crawlspace, therefore improving your interior air quality.
•    Encapsulation Process
•    Inspect crawlspace to determine characteristics of moisture, energy efficiency, and health management
•    Remove organic debris and stored items, level ground
•    Install sump pump and drain tile, if necessary, around perimeter for heavy moisture or water levels
•    Install poly sheeting (6-20 mls thick) over earthen or concrete ground surface, foundation walls and piers to 3 inches below sill plates. Tape seams to seal and fasten to secure encapsulation.
•    Monitor interior ambient air for moisture, humidity, and temperature using devices such as psychrometers and moisture meters. SERVPRO Moisture Control Specialists can then determine if a dehumidifier should be installed and if vents should be blocked to ensure a functional final product.

Water damage from a flood or frozen pipe is dramatic and visible. Though excessive crawlspace moisture is less pronounced, the effects can be far-reaching and more devastating. There are many benefits to SERVPRO's Encapsulation Program:

•    Mold growth and odors are mitigated
•    Bacterial odors and proliferation are diminished
•    Reduction in insects, termites, rodent and vermin infestations
•    Energy savings in dollars, less stress on your HVAC system, a good green reward
•    Healthier ambient air that does find its way into your living space
•    Moisture and water damage to floor joists, hardwood flooring, and rusting of structural metals are greatly diminished
•    Cleaner, dryer area for storage

Of the many factors that lead to water damage in your Alpharetta home, encapsulating your crawlspace can offer a return on your investment that protects your house, enhances your property value while offering you and your family healthier living conditions. A proactive initiative can save you stress, time and money. We are trained Crawlspace Encapsulation Experts and invite your call for a no cost, no pressure consultation. We have proudly served our local communities for many years and will always do what is best for you. SERVPRO of North Fulton is available 24/7 at (770) 992-2777

How to Overcome Sandy Springs Water Damage in Your Home

2/26/2016 (Permalink)

Water damage can be deceptive. Water penetrates into structural cavities creating trapped pockets of saturation.

Overcoming Water Damage in Your Sandy Springs Home

Sandy Springs water damage can occur because of a wide range of events. Reputable companies can provide the effective remediation services that you need to restore your home to its previous condition. Water damage in Sandy Springs is common after a major storm strikes the area, and it also may occur when you have a plumbing leak or another similar type of damaging water event. When your home has been negatively impacted by a water event such as this, you understandably want to restore it to its previous condition as soon as possible so that life can return to normal for your family without delay.

What Happens with a Damaging Water Event in the Home

Water is a necessity in your home, but it must be properly contained inside the pipes and plumbing features. When it is not contained, it can cause considerable damage to many surfaces in the home. This ranges from the furnishings to the flooring, walls and other features. It can also cause electricity issues, plumbing back-up issues and more. Beyond that, water in the home can cause high humidity levels, and high humidity levels can result in the increased likelihood of mold growth. Mold growth can cause property damage, illness and more. It is not something that you want to contend with.

The Steps to Water Remediation

Water damage in Sandy Springs can be difficult to overcome, but you can walk through the repair and remediation process to restore the damage. The first step to take is to stop the flow of water in the home. For example, if the leak is from a plumbing issue, turn off the main water valve and call a plumber for repair service. Then, a professional company can use a powerful extraction method to carefully and precisely remove signs of standing water with speed. Speed is critical when drying out a Sandy Springs home because it can decrease the likelihood of mold growth. After standing water has been removed, the next step of lowering the humidity level by drying out the air in the home must be completed. After all signs of water and high humidity levels have been removed, the actual restoration process can be completed to return the home to its former condition.

 Setting Up Remediation Service for Your Home

Whether you have had a minor water event or a major one, scheduling a fast, reliable water remediation service for your Sandy Springs home is important. At SERVPRO of North Fulton County, we want to help you remove the water and restore your home so that it's like a flood never even occurred.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

 As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of North Fulton is strategically located to respond quickly to your flood and water emergency event. Call us today! (770) 992-2777

A Quick Reference Guide to Water Damage Response in Your Alpharetta Home

9/12/2015 (Permalink)

Water in All the Wrong Places

Help for Water Damage to Your Alpharetta Home

Once a flood or fire hits your home in Alpharetta, water damage is a strong possible outcome. If you leave the water damage unchecked, the damage can turn your property into a breeding ground for harmful fungi like mildew and mold. Additionally, water damage can adversely impact the structural integrity of your home. If your home's structure and furnishings start to warp and swell due to water absorption, you could be subject to costly repairs. For these reasons, it's important that you contact and hire a water damage restoration company as soon as your home is affected. Water damage specialists are highly skilled in executing the cleanup, water removal, repair, and restoration aspects of the remediation processes. Learn how a water damage restoration company like SERVPRO can help you by referring to the following quick reference guide:

Cleaning Your Home

Although there are many important services provided by water damage specialists, two of the most important are the immediate drying and cleaning of damaged areas. As water damage experts from SERVPRO know, it is imperative to start these processes within 24 hours of the flood or fire. Addressing water damage issues early is the most effective way to safeguard against mold and mildew accumulation and growth. If mold growth goes unchecked, you could subject yourself and loved ones to unwanted health complications that could severely compromise your quality of life. Specialized equipment such as water extractors, vacuums, dehumidifiers, and powerful air-movers expedite this process

Repairing Your Home

In addition to cleaning your home, water damage specialists from SERVPRO are highly skilled in repairing your property. In many cases, natural disasters result in damage to both structural and household items. By hiring this water damage restoration company, you can ensure that your property is restored to its pre-water damaged state, thereby making it safe to live in again. The technicians are skilled, and have the equipment and tools, to tackle most repairs quickly and efficiently.  Restoration, rather than replacement, helps minimize costs for you.

If your property in Alpharetta has been impacted by water damage, it's best to call a team of professional restoration experts. These individuals can clean, repair, and restore your residential property with remarkable expedience. When you start looking for the ideal water damage company to call, remember SERVPRO. We offer round the clock assistance for your convenience and necessities, and we're also skilled in offering exceptional customer service. 

Locally Owned and Operated

We live and work in Alpharetta too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of North Fulton County is close by and ready to respond to your flood or water damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Alpharetta community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

We clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water. (770) 992-2777

What You Need to Know in the Event of Alpharetta Water Damage

6/19/2015 (Permalink)

Water can quickly soak through everything you own.

What You Need to Know in the Event of Water Damage

What are the most frequent causes of water damage?
Common sources of Alpharetta water damage include foundation leaks, burst pipes, poor drainage around the home, appliance valve failures, and sewer backups. Burst pipes, valve failures, and sewer backups typically involve large amounts of water causing significant damage in a short time.

Is water damage dangerous to my health?
Yes. Water can quickly soak through everything you own. The water, especially from floods and sewers, may be filled with harmful bacteria and viruses such as e-coli, hepatitis, and cholera. These disease-carrying organisms can live and multiply in anything that has come in contact with the water. Proper disinfecting of the home and belongings is essential in protecting your family’s health.

Warm, moist environments are also a perfect breeding ground for mold. Mold spreads by way of air-borne spores. A small patch of mold in one room can quickly spread throughout the entire house if not treated properly. The mold may cause health problems ranging from mild allergic reactions to life-threatening respiratory complications. These complications are typically worse in the young, elderly, and immune-compromised.

How will a certified technician handle my water damage?
Alpharetta water damage restoration professionals, such as SERVPRO of North Fulton County, start by removing any damaged materials. This includes everything from carpet to insulation, to sheetrock. SERVPRO will then pump out any standing liquid before drying and disinfecting the home. The process may take several days depending on the extent of the damage. It is important not to rush the drying process to prevent further damage to any of the home’s fixtures.

SERVPRO will test the entire area for mold and other microbes. If any problem areas are identified, the technician will treat them using the latest remediation techniques.

What should I look for in a water damage restoration company?
You should look for technicians certified in the latest restoration techniques. SERVPRO technicians are certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). An IICRC certified technician has undergone a number of courses on restoration, including structural drying and microbial remediation. These courses prepare the technician to handle virtually any type of Alpharetta water damage situation they may encounter in a manner that is safe for them as well as your family.

Our Water Damage Restoration Process

Every water disaster is different, from the amount of water to the level of contamination of the water. Each scenario requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” water damage emergency.

Step 1: Emergency Contact

Step 2: Inspection and Damage Assessment

Step 3: Water Removal/Water Extraction

Step 4: Drying and Dehumidification

Step 5: Cleaning and Repair

Step 6: Restoration